new raid tab
7 years ago

All im going to say about this is what a ridiculous idea why would you change it to this when it was clearly better the way it was.basically you merged all classes together clearly an unfair idea since all classes have different speeds etc what was the actual point of this .titan class is only the fastest due titan skating unfair on other classes so obviously on crota that should be separated . hunter can bladedance across the abyss bridge no other class can do this so an easy time saver for the hunter if performed correctly no other class can do this so should be separated and the warlock is the slowest class for speed so unfair to that class regardless of the way you look at it.

why not just leave it as it was clearly much better the way it was laid out at its current state it looks ridiculous all other runners have put time into their respective runs for their respective class so why not merge it all together and just show whats fastest in order.

i believe the table should be returned to how it was because this new change is ridiculous and as far as im aware noone else was informed of this in the community i could be mistaken but i dont recall seeing a post on this.

New Jersey, USA

There is a filter tab. Use it.

Maine, USA

I came up with this after I was asked by multiple people if I could find a way to clean up the full-game leader boards, since it was way to cluttered.


" there is a filter tab.Use it" really subjective point and whats funny about it yeah fuck all is in the filters either way this new layout idea is ridiculous and shit also there was no vote on this or even a forum post to discuss this idea so much for a "community" and it was not even clustered it was actually better cleaner and easier to navigate in my opinion i still believe it should be reverted

Wisconsin, USA

This is so much better. I understand the names of all the categories now, and they're all easy to find. Ehroar had a good suggestion, maybe do that? Overall, great changes. :)

Indiana, USA

Yeah its overall great but needs fine tuned to make a bit more sense to someone not familiar to the site and filters


wow are you lot serious it wasnt difficult to understand the categories as it was it was simple the filters are a complete joke much like the game itself and if someome wasnt familiar to the site they would of adjusted to the way it was the new layout is dogshit regardless

Maine, USA

We had so many full game categories that we actually glitched out the full-game leaderboard.


I personally think the new layout is much better, it's a lot easier to navigate around and all the useless stuff that was there has been removed. Also all the information from the filters are given in the persons post, so someone new to the site doesn't even need to know the filters exist to be able to find stuff out about a run.

Zeee likes this

The new layout is fantastic, thank you for clearing it up.

Zeee likes this

the new layout is dogshit last time i looked at this leaderboard no part of it was glitched so i find it unlikely that you say it was also after raids it comes up with fucked up letters and characters the new layout is a mess regardless of what you say no part of it was cleared up imo it looks unorganised messed up and completely a waste of anyones time changing it to this mess


What are you on about, when I click on raids it shows me each of the raids, I don't see any messed up letters and characters anywhere


go on your profile click on full game runs and look at Raids and what follows it


I haven't done any raid speedruns


oh right fair enough basically heres what it looks like Raids - Crota's End (Solo) its ridiculous i copied and pasted that but my point over this whole thing was things like these are a joke i personally believe it should of been left as it is especially crotas end i wouldn't be bothered if everything else on full game was changed and crotas end wasn't changed but its ridiculous what the mods have done at the very least they could of put a post up where we could discuss and vote about this subject but they seem not too give a fuck about this change either way in my opinion it is unacceptable behaviour for the mods to do wha they have just done with the changes.

if the mods had of put a post up and allowed at least 7 days discussion and voting it could of been much more professional but they think because they can just use their "powers" to just change this as they wish again this is my opinion but either way as i said before it is unacceptable.

Maine, USA

I mentioned the fact that I was doing in the discord and had no opposition.

United States

While we're here, there's a new game run someone did a long time ago that isn't on the leaderboard if we could find that, that'd be great. Anyways I sent you a message on Discord Zecora.

United States

Okay fixed the runners page issue.


so its fine to say your going to do it in discord but none of you could be arsed to put on the forums but i guess that makes it ok right thats a ridiculous excuse for not putting it on the forums what a joke

United States

I'm not going to write a paragraph in the forums sorry man. We fixed the runners page issue it looks okay now, thank you for pointing it out so we could do something about it.