Olá , gostaria muito de saber como faço para me tornar um Administrador do Block Strike, eu amo esse jogo, tenho um carinho enorme por ele, quero representa-lo como um ADM brasileiro, digam-me tudo o que é necessário fazer, eu irei providenciar. Obrigado.
You do not know how to read? I didn't ask if you need help, you retard, I asked how do I become an ADM. Thanks for nothing your comment is as useless as your lack of ability to understand a simple question.
I think you're stupid because you don't understand that no one will make you a moderator just because you want to be him. you have no runs and your account is empty.
you insist on answering my question wrong, i'm not asking if someone will make me moderator i'm asking which way to get there you idiot, depressive, unsocial.
You just need to know rules, not be noname and not be toxic. You haven't got any runs and you can't communicate normally so i think we don't need you as a moderator