I don’t see an Any% category for 64, assuming that hyper speed wall kicks are humanly possible, as well as mips clip, hyperspeed punching also. Will there be one?
@Zeta64 Ohhh I see. Is there any way to get less the 70 in Shindou?
@Azantix I think you can with MIPS Clip and Firsty (aka First Frame Wallkick/Hyperspeed Wallkick) but Firsty is just as difficult as it sounds
Also each game has its own category extensions, what will we do about those categories?
@Zeta64 Yeaaa I've only found 2 Shindou specific TAS videos, and they all use hyperspeed wall kicks, and even then it was a 16 star run. Unless a new exploit is found looks like 70 is the limit, thanks for the info :)
I get why MIPS clip is banned in N64 70 star, but would allowing it in Shindou or this game change the route to get more upstairs stars? If so, should there be a category that allows it? The Mario 64 segment of the All-Stars Any% category could end up with a lower best theoretical time as the rules are written now.
79 and 96 shines for sms should be removed imo, people rarely play them in the original game so nobody is going to play them here
at least i'll be able to be on the leader board for something lmao (assuming no one runs it)
SM64 should just have an any% or remove the mips clip restriction from 70 star. Would be interesting if some route with mips clip ended up being faster than the regular 70 route.
I dont own the game quite yet... sadly I won't for a while, actually, but I can almost confirm bljs wouldn't work... I mean, its just such a simple fix...
To be fair the version of the game DOES NOT have an official leaderboard. All the leaderboards are based in the non patched version. So there is an argument for having a separate leaderboard for the different versions of the game with different categories for it.
I'm not saying that everything should be changed HOWEVER I am saying that something like this should be considered since there is enough of a difference to warrant the discussion.
This is on top of discussing possible options for different things. Then again I'm mainly pointing out things so this post should be taken for what it is which is just an observation considering Mario 64 is well Mario 64. I'm remaining neutral on things as Mario 64 is something that I probably won't run.
Also as far as getting less then 70 stars for any% for 64:
1 star is Tas possible. As far as shindo version goes.
Not to mention it's possible to remap buttons on the switch which is part of the system itself so that's something else to take into consideration, alongside lot's of others little things here and there.
Just because something has been done with TAS doesn't make it viable in a real run. Infact, that's the whole point of TAS strats. That's not to say there isn't a very small chance something new might be found specifically just for Shindou optimisation - at which point I'm sure they'll add in a sub-70 Star category for it - but don't hold your breath.
If the SM64 community as a whole wanted an "Any%" distinction then SM64 proper would have that instead of the 0 Star category.
i guess we'll just have to hope that the glitch-hunters come through for us
To be fair it's going to take a while to see how everything shakes out.
Also the 1 star tas comment from earlier wax ment to be taken as a joke. just adding clarification since I couldn't put an emote or something to show the humor.
It's not impossible to find something new but the version is 23 years old in one of the most popular and examined speedrun games of all time, so I wouldn't expect anything.