how to job warp in heist setups?
4 years ago
Asturias, Spain

I have the same problem I tried everything i could and I also have 3 hour streaming on twitch trying some methods i thought could work with recorded input


launch an unlaunchable job as seen in most runs before starting prep

here's a link for the one i use


It's literally one thread below yours:

PC only

Asturias, Spain

We are talking about how you can do the job warp. We know its posible to do it but, at least when I try, it doesnt work, jobs doesnt appear in my map and i cant warp to them. Do you know about any guide that can help us?.



again, what Sowa said. It is in the thread he linked.

United Kingdom

I would like to add that it can be done on console too, though the actual method for warping is slightly different and unfortunately slower compared to PC.

madebyWITT, lolpizzapurple and 2 others like this

What setups are you talking about? It doesn't work in apt and dd heists.

lolpizzapurple likes this
Asturias, Spain

Im sorry to send another post here, but i still have problems making the job warp.

I know how it works, i can make it on free mode and its easy to make, just spam right click, esc and later enter, but the problem is not related to make it work, its related to make the blue icons (the jobs) APPEAR in my map. When I press start in prep mission i cant see any blue icon, then, i cant warp anywhere during prep missions.

I ve been stuck here for 2 weeks, can please someone explain me how can u make the icons appear during preps missions?.

Im sorry if im being too repetitive but i dont find the answer in any of those threads



Cocoa and GT_IndirectKing like this

You sure you have blue dots enabled in interaction menu? Do they even appear in freemode when you are not doing anything?

If you have them, start invalid job, then start prep, and that's all. You have blue dots now.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Asturias, Spain

They appear in Freemode but when I start the prep they dissapeard, all of them except for 2, ill show you:

In this video you can see i have them enabled and they appear on the map but when i enter the submarine they dissapear, all of them except for this 2 jobs.

United Kingdom

Before starting the prep, you need to open the map, hover over the invalid job and press to start it. Wait for it to load and it will bring up an error message which you can accept, returning you to freemode. Then when you start the prep, the job icons will still be there.

fluted likes this
Asturias, Spain

Ok, i saw how to make a invalid job in the thread but i didnt know what was the purpouse of it.

Ill try, thank you all

I struggled with this. What I've learnt: In my case at least the invalid job needs to be started first time, in a session, out in the open. I.E. on the Cayo Heist I have to exit the sub. launch the invalid job, enter the sub, launch it again. Then it works. While doing the preps if ever the job icons do not show whilst inside the sub repeat the above. When I was first trying it, launching only within the sub, the job icons did not show so I launched from the 'Play Job' menu. But that did not work. It teleported me to a mountain.