question and suggestion thread
1 year ago

Welcome to the speedruns page of the texas chain saw massacre!

Here the moderators will answer all your questions and suggestions about the categories, send speedruns, rules, etc.

Do not hesitate to write, a moderator will answer you

TheLouieCopeland, Ectorlot and 2 others like this
United States

When are the specific start and end times of the run? I assumed that it was the moment of being able to wiggle free to escape but on the actual time assessment it seems to be a couple seconds fewer.

  • For victims, the timer starts as soon as the GUI to break out pops up and ends as soon as the cutscene changes to the survivor running away.
  • For family, the timer starts when the cutscene pans to the back of the family member and ends at the skull appearing on the kill(s).
United States

Makes sense. Have you guys thought about making a separate leaderboard for Survivors/Killers With Friends and solo queue? Or maybe separate leaderboards for different escape methods(fusebox, gate, water pressure valve, etc.)? While the fusebox can be the fastest it is also the most reliant on RNG.

United States

Just curious how exactly runs get accepted/declined. I've seen a lot of runs get accepted today, one specifically that was submitted 3 hours ago just got verified and I've had one pending for a day. It's obviously completely fine if they take awhile to be verified/declined but when can we expect to see that action happen? Just making sure it didn't slip through the cracks because as of now the run I have pending would be #1 in it's category.


hello allamend I'll tell you, in this case I was verifying and rejecting all the pending speedruns today, to accept them we first download the video and review it to verify that it does not break any rules (if it does, it is rejected) and if everything is fine it is timed time and check. now about why some speedruns take longer than others to verify is because in my case I have problems downloading some videos from twitch, so to speed up I first verify and reject the videos that are uploaded to youtube and then those from twitch

Edited by the author 1 year ago

hi lonewanderer821 I tell you, about "making a separate leaderboard for Survivors/Killers With Friends and solo queue" We will see it in the future if there is much difference with the times since there is communication in the matches. now about "separate leaderboards for different escape methods" we already think it's fine as it is because we already subdivided the escape category a lot (and besides that more maps may be included in the future). but it is not ruled out anyway, we will see how the game develops and we will see what we are going to do

Edited by the author 1 year ago

If someone disconnects during an execution does that count as a disconnect while alive?



mikah404TTV likes this

Hello! About the 4k category... The rules says "you and your family must kill everyone", so, is a valid run if my friends kill someone? let's say, bubba killed 2, i killed 1, the other guy killed the last one... or do i need to do 4k myself to be a valid run?



What you tell me is valid and there is no problem if another family member kills a victim, and if you do it with friends it would enter the "team" section.


this link is pending could you release it? Thanks!

Edited by the author 1 year ago
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Victims Variable Update

Hello Everyone! The mods have decided to split victim escapes with different characters. I added variables of every survivor currently in the game. Also don't worry I moved all of the previous verified runs from the previous victims section to the new updated version. Happy Speedrunning :D

1 year ago
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