Game suggestions?
5 years ago
Rhode Island, USA

Why not Sim Theme Park or Happy Feet?

Most people put WAY too much thought into what is going to be their first game, when it's better to just play any game and get in the mindset to practice it a ton.

United States

How about this game? Length of the run is 15-30 minutes. I know this isn't exactly what you suggested, but if I remember correctly, you got a free key for this game (different forum). Community is currently really small and could use some help!

United States

@TaruDuck You're welcome! Let me know if you play it!

California, USA

Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 ( has some good runs and an active overall community despite being pretty old. This is partly thanks to OpenRCT2 which adds quality of life changes, including adjustable hotkeys. I personally just play it casually.


hollow knight

Connecticut, USA

Wild Kratts: Baby Animal Rescue

Czech Republic

Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven

Massachusetts, USA

Sonic Rivals for PSP


you should try There is no game. pretty simple to run and it lenghts about 3-5min

MinecraftGaming likes this

SMB of course

London, England

Wind Waker or OoT are my personal favourites


Bills Hotel Is THEE game to play Kappa


hi TaruDuck, i advise you god of war ghost of sparta! :P There aren't enough people on this run!

Hawaii, USA

Fight night champion. Lots of empty categories lol.