The Namings for the Categories
3 years ago
United States

I'm new to this speedrun, and I was wanting to ask a couple of clarifying questions. The top run for the Any% glitchless category seems to run on a different version of the game, as after leaving the void the first time, they are warped back to the portal point rather then the spawn town as I have seen in my practice runs. There was a recent update so I was wondering if that was the reason behind this. Secondly, the run for the top spot has the timer start after the character create scene, despite the rules stating that it starts once you hit new game in the opening menu. I was wondering if the rules are just in need of updating in regard to that. Additionally, the rules do not state what is considered a glitch in terms of the run, and I would like to know what is specified as such as there are many things that can be done to improve the time that are not necessarily dev intended, but the top run jumps into the portal before a boss death animation finishes to avoid a cutscene which I would assume is also not dev intended. Apologies for the long winded message, but I was wanting to clarify before submitting a run. Thank you. If it is intended to be glitchless, I would love to submit a run in just standard any% as I feel it can be quite an interesting run compared to glitchless

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

The only thing it states is that, "No matter the run, the time starts when you hit "New Game" All Runs are Real Time" and a lot of the runs have glitch exploits so I think you will be fine Mordrayus who I have totally never met in my life!

United States

Yoah thanks for the response Oreo! I don't see you listed as a mod or runner for this category, are you a fan of the game as well?


Ahoy! Lovely to see some interest in the game :)

Unfortunately it seems like the sole moderator for the game isn't really active (I've actually had a better run for over a month now which still hasn't been verified), which is a shame since it means we only have 2 categories and outdated rules. I talked to Marissa a while back (who did the first run, and got to "set the rules") and she agreed that "start the time after character creation, and end on the win message" was a better way to time it, because otherwise all runs are going to be forced to use the default unicorn which is way less fun that making a colourful masterpiece to save the world with.

I'm guessing that the portal placing you in town/at bearshe is a version thing, yeah - I think it might be due to the holiday event? I remember it used to do it in the past, then it didn't, and now it does it again. I'll bring it up to the devs and see what's going on there.

And for the last point, the joy of "glitchless" categories in any speedrun comes from deciding what is and isn't a glitch (and then having people argue forever about it). For the Tozan Cutscene skip, you're just walking to where you go faster than the game expects you to - I mean, the portal spawns that early, right? You don't have to sit around and wait for a cutscene, the game wants you to go through there anyway. That's why I reckon it's fine for the glitchless category, at least. It gets messier with some of the new tech since discovered, as you can actually menu mid-cutscene as a time save, but doing so lets you break out of the cutscene and walk around. In my 9:57 run, I use the menu trick to swap my spells, but make sure not to move afterwards until the cutscene is finished, since that's definitely not glitchless.

I'm looking forward to when we get a proper any% category, because there are some wild things you can do to save time. Notably, you can break out of the first cutscene of the game, but Trixomy spends the rest of the game hunting you down and flying through walls to try and force his dialogue on you (which will give you like a 10 second time loss). 10/10, would recommend.

Let me know if you have any burning questions! I don't check here super often, but I'm trying to put together some resources to make the run more accessible and encourage more people to run the game. Gotta love the unicorns.

Sommeguy likes this
United States

Yeah I discovered that as well, I haven't been able to find a ton of things yet, but the rest mechanic also allows you to regain your spells in areas where you aren't meant to have them. Additionally you can actually break under the map by doing a menu-ing glitch involving the fashion menu.

Edited by the author 3 years ago

Those are really cool exploits!! I hope we can organize a more active mod team for the game in the near future. I hope to run this game soon, but my computer that can run the game smoothly is having weird driver issues with OBS...

United States

I'm currently trying to time out a way to reduce the time of crystal collection to see if it's faster. (The skip I found makes you repeat dialogue) and honestly I think there is more to find. I would honestly love to see this game get more attention because it's honestly a pretty good speedrun, if we need a mod for this place I honestly would be good to moderate for it, I've got the time and am somewhat familiar with the mechanics of the game. Can't wait to see your run sommeguy!

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Sommeguy likes this

re: Crystal Collection, I've found that it's possible to actually collect multiple crystals from the same spot if you mash fast enough, but this softlocks the run later down the line since the portal disappears after you return from it. If anyone finds a way to get around that, you should be able to cut down a good chunk of time in the gathering section

United States

I found that one two. It isn't technically a soft lock. What happens is that when you exit the portal, I think something in the world generation tries to figure out where you are at in the game, and one of the checks is whether you have collected all the crystals. So the game thinks you are in the beginning of the game still. All you have to do is go through her dialogue chain again and the portal will show up. Once the portal is up, you can continue as normal in dialogue. You end up having to do this twice in the run, once after talking to the Estranged Rabbit, and once after beating Tozan since the puzzle rocks won't spawn in if the dialogue chain isn't completed. From what I have been able to find, you save about a minute in collecting via the multi-collect by only needing to go to 2 locations, but it costs a rather equivalent amount of time in dialogue and repeat movement. I don't know if it will end up being faster, my guess is it probably is, but not by as much as it may seem.

United States

Also this is very random, but what are you doing to spam through the dialogue so fast? I spam like no tomorrow and the dialogue doesn't progress any where near that fast. Is it something on controller? The controller prompts are showing on your run, but it sounds like your hitting a keyboard. I'm just curious what your technique is


The dialogue spam was another casualty of the holiday update, I think. Haven't been able to do it since. Fingers crossed the devs can add it back in.

United States

gotcha. Welp haha, time to optimize like crap

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