4 years ago
United Kingdom

I was thinking since we now have categorie extensions we should make a miniboss%. We already have boss% but i think it would be really cool.

The timer starts when you go into gpu jungle or ssd speedway and ends when you beat the last miniboss the jungle dragon or the SSD speedway boss it just seems to fit in a categorie extensions

Maxsterious likes this
United Kingdom

Ok I've changed timing and will do an example

Maxsterious likes this
United Kingdom

There we go example

Maxsterious likes this
United Kingdom

These 2 runs, especially the SSD version is basically just the main game IL’s but not find right to the end, for gpu it’s not as much but nearly. and the 2 bosses basically have no optimisation so it doesn’t seem like that good of a category.

United Kingdom

They arent 2 different versions you do both in one run

United Kingdom

Also saying that a run that does 2 areas that are also main game ils have no optimisation is like saying any% is just the 4 main game ils and boss% also in the old file or what should probably be renamed to existing save you would teleport right to the area with the boss you wouldn't do this in any other run and it has a new type of optimisation seeing as you dont start with sprint speed and you need to find the fastest way to gain that sprint speed in the new file or what should be renamed to new game or ng for short you not only have to optimise the intro and both the areas. Also if you want to find a category to dump on marksman% it's basically just gpu with the intro and a bit at the end.

United Kingdom

Watch the example I have

United Kingdom

I think what happened is @xXNamesDoNotMatterXx hasn't done the run properly and you've just assumed his example his example doesnt even start at the part when time starts and hasn't even done the second part to the run.


^ i was an idiot and didn't read the comment on how to do miniboss%

United Kingdom

It doesn't matter atleast you gave it an attempt :)

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