Creation of more Any Speed% categories
3 years ago

I think it would make sense to have "Main Worlds Any Speed%" and "100% Any Speed%" as categories. The Any Speed% categories have the most potential for competition and I feel like the infrastructure should be built for those who want to try them out

Cocoamallows and Tr4pD00r like this
Ontario, Canada

I agree. I'd really like to try an Any Speed% variant that involves all official levels. Right now, the avenue available to us for that is 100%, but that also involves playing a lot of songs twice for all lanterns.

Cocoamallows, Econ, and BboyDolphin like this
Ontario, Canada

Here's a run I did of All Worlds Any Speed %, hopefully that gets the ball rolling.

Virginia, USA

I’ll bring it up to other mods and see if I can get the idea approved (that is, when I get the mod role on discord)

I thought that it should be 26 Worlds Any Speed% (all non-neo-cosmos) and 35 Worlds Any Speed% (includes neo-cosmos) Rules: beat all 26/35 levels in any order you don't need a wiped save file Subcategories: Any%/Tutorial% Most Lenient% (use most lenient timing window possible when given the option) Normal% (use normal timing window when given the option to) Strict% (use strict at all times)

Edited by the author 1 year ago
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New Categories: Main Worlds Any Speed and 100% Any Speed

Hey everyone! After a unanimous vote in our discord server, I have added the new categories "Main Worlds Any Speed" and "100% Any Speed". More any speed categories have been requested for a long time, so it was natural to have these new categories added.

I archi

7 months ago
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