Attempting A No Default Nozzle Run; Need Help With Roller Coaster Balloons
2 months ago
United States

Just finished part 1 of my no default nozzle run, link below, and managed to get 97 total shines without it. For part 2 I'm trying to figure out how many uses are required for 100% but I'm not nearly skilled enough to route it. Any advice? Thanks!

Newfoundland, Canada

There's a glitch in the US version of the game that can make a balloon pop trigger the count twice, however I forget the specifics on how that actually happens. I'd assume that it would help though.

Snowman13 likes this
United States

Thanks for the info! I'm editing the video now; I just said that I'm sure its possible in less than 9 balloons. Maybe ill make a mini follow up video if someone is able to prove a smaller number is possible

Newfoundland, Canada

I noticed a couple other things after watching that I mentioned in your comments. At the bare minimum, one more blue coin is 100% possible, but probably SUPER tedious (the moon in Pianta Village).

United States

Ok, maybe in a couple of months I'll make a part 3 but I'm too far into this video to add things now unfortunately. I'll be sure to add that I got a reply though!

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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