I need help!
2 months ago
Texas, USA

I need help! I can’t beat my PB (25:25) and I don’t want to quit but I need some tips to improve my times. The bright side is I average a sub 30 every run but everything else is bad. This is just me asking for help as I am a new speedrunner and trying to get better. (P.S. I play SM64 on NSO) Thank you guys a lot!

SuperGamer64 likes this
Ohio, USA

Practice. And slowly implement new (faster) strategies.

Meader likes this
Texas, USA

Any strategies that I can implement. (For 16 star)

Texas, USA

And also how do I show you my splits via Splits.Io in a link?

Maine, USA
Any/All, He/Him, They/Them
2 months ago

I assume 16-star? I don't see any submitted runs on your account so I can't watch your play and give any direct advice unique to you. I know when I stagnated in 16-star, taking a day to a week off helped. Watching others who are only a bit better than you (people around like, 20:xx PBs) might give you some tips on ways to do stars you haven't thought of. If you're only watching the top level runners, they're doing tricks and routes you shouldn't really be doing until you've learned to "move the mario" extremely well. There are easier and more consistent strats that will get you big PB's much faster.

IDK much about NSO or the VC world, but if you can get your hands on usamune to practice, it is a legitimate game changer for growth potential. Learning new tricks, practicing tricks you're not quite consistent at, and even just warming up - absolutely MASSIVE tools to have. I ran 16 for about a year without any practice ROMs... even learned 1-star without Usamune. Once I started using it though, the jump was significant. Went from a 1:09:08 in 70-star to a 1:06:40 in 1 day.

Another technique I've used is my splits. I found the tendency to reset early was high and tempting so I created some theoretical splits that I wanted to hit that would lead me to the time I wanted. I think at the time I had a 1:22:36 but knew I made a lot of mistakes so a 1:10:xx was super possible. Ended up getting a 1:09:08 running against these splits. I know a lot of people use weighted splits for the same general reason and it's very effective so that's a different angle you could take. Finally with splits, I also run against average and try to not reset unless my run is above the average for that split. That way, I know I'm always improving my times, and if I fail a lot on the same split, the average goes up and it means I end up practicing it more and more.

If you were willing to try out another category, I found that when I stagnated in 16-star at a 19:19, switching categories was nice because the gold and green splits and the serotonin-laced PBs came easy again which made it much less frustrating to run. I did 70 star for about 20 days and then came back and did 16 and got an 18:38 pretty quickly. It truly is about learning how to "move the mario" and what you learn in other categories WILL translate over to 16. Mentally, I've found personally that in longer categories, any single star isn't as big a deal if there are small mistakes, and they're much less stressful. Then when I go back to a shorter category, that "not as stressful" feeling remains and it feels way easier. Doing 16-star BOB vs 70-star BOB vs 120-star BOB is a big difference in feel.

Finally, if you can find people to play with or race against, I've found that people PB in races quite frequently. Sometimes competing against someone else drives people in a way competing against a clock doesn't. Split times don't matter as much, and forced no-resets can be a huge benefit too, ESPECIALLY if you don't use a practice ROM. Feel free to PM me if you want and I'd be happy to watch you play and give you any notes I can. If this essay (sorry) is good enough for now, then that's fine too. Best of luck and do remember it's a fun game made in the 1900's... nothing worth ruining your day or mood.

Texas, USA

These are my splits

Texas, USA

Go to Splits.io and look up Splits.io/ Super Mario 64/ 16 star/ cg0v

Edited by the author 2 months ago
Maine, USA
Any/All, He/Him, They/Them
2 months ago

your link didn't go anywhere

Texas, USA

Srry how do I send a link for splits.io cuz idk?

Texas, USA

And after you answer that. How many runs/ much time should I practice each day? Cuz I do a good 15-20 mins of practice and 45-1 hr of runs

Maine, USA
Any/All, He/Him, They/Them
2 months ago

Just copy and paste the link when you have them opened in front of you. Or screenshot the splits and post the picture. Or tell us your username on splits.io and I'll look it up.

Edit: I just checked 16-star, 16-star No LBLJ, and 16-star VC and none of them have a 25:25 time in the last year+

Edited by the author 2 months ago
Maine, USA
Any/All, He/Him, They/Them
2 months ago

Did you select "hide run" when you uploaded it? You can undo that if you "edit" the run. It does say the link still works, it just doesn't list it in a findable way other than direct link.

Edit: Wait I think I found it. 26:55?


Edited by the author 2 months ago
Texas, USA

I’m under 16 star no lblj as tjemanuel419

Edited by the author 2 months ago
Texas, USA

Yes it is the 26:55

Maine, USA
Any/All, He/Him, They/Them
2 months ago

To answer the practice question: I practice until I feel fast, get bored, or feel I've nailed what I was going for. Kind of a day-to-day decision. When I do runs I go way overboard and do like, hours of attempts, but that's not completely necessary either. I'd suggest practicing things that give you a hard time, like for me I would do owless, Cless, BLJs, and Fire Sea with 16. Then when I feel warmed up I might start runs. If in my runs I'm failing something consistently, I switch it up sometimes and pop back in the practice rom and figure out what I'm doing wrong before doing runs again. Mountain Clip in 70/120 is one that I always throw a couple practice attempts at until I'm getting it consistently. Then when it's time for mountain clip in the run, it's way less stressful.

Maine, USA
Any/All, He/Him, They/Them
2 months ago

These splits are round times, they don't seem to be real splits. It even says 0 attempts and was uploaded an hour ago?

Texas, USA

Good thanks

Texas, USA

It was when it was uploaded to split.io. It resets the attempts each time I use it and I give the times a on average I get blank for each section. It is not ideal but that is how I usually do it.

Texas, USA

I have had the splits longer from when I originally had them on Livesplit.org

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