I can't beat the ender dragon without destroying the end crystals
4 years ago
South Korea

For some reason I always get blasted 100 blocks into the air whenever I try to use beds, and when I use a water bucket to prevent fall damage, the dragon stops perching so I end up having to destroy the end crystals every time, slowing down my time significantly. When I watch other speedruns then they don't get blasted into the air, and I have no idea why. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Ohio, USA

Are you placing a block between yourself and the bed to prevent the explosion from knocking you into the air? If so, are you placing it in the best position to negate the blast for you? Usually, the reason you get launched is that the bed explosion pushes you a bit up into the air, causing your hitbox to collide with the dragon's, and that is what causes the player to be flung up high into the air.


Yes: In addition to what Novawolf is saying: From my experience of playing minecraft, I have noticed that usually the dragon will launch you in the air if you shoot the dragon with a bow and arrow while it is perching. This is because any damage to the dragon will disorient its path ever so slightly (Notice what happens when you hit the dragon in the air). When you shoot the dragon while it's perching, the dragon becomes misaligned with where it was going to perch. So you may expect its hitbox to be much closer to you when it is stationary at the center. So I would advise against bowing the dragon while it's perching to prevent this.

LeafpoolSR likes this
Salisbury, MD, USA

you cant speedrun peaceful mode though, its banned.

LeafpoolSR likes this

its banned even in set seed?

LeafpoolSR likes this
Alaska, USA

What u mean I speedrun peacful and it’s in the leaderbaords

LeafpoolSR likes this
Alaska, USA

What u mean I speedrun peacful and it’s in the leaderbaords

LeafpoolSR likes this

@itsryan212 why did you repeat that post twice? also, i dont see what peaceful times you have on the leaderboards? you have no java edition runs on the leaderboard

LeafpoolSR likes this

His runs are probably awaiting verification

South Korea

@Novawolf Thanks, I wasn't placing blocks because I was in peaceful and I thought that it wasn't going to hurt me. So all I have to do is stop my hitbox from coming in contact with the dragon's hitbox, right? Also because obsidian doesn't explode, can I just place it above my head?

Alaska, USA

You have to look at misc category it’s a run trust me and it’s a bug

Shmalex likes this
Alaska, USA

But cubing is right I am waiting for that in any% peacful


one cycle?

Podkarpackie, Poland

I dont know where you're placing the bed, but 1-cycle lets you kill the dragon in one perch. Watch some of the top 1.16 runs, or set seed runs if you dont understand how 1-cycling works. And if you do, you're letting the dragon go too low before exploding the bed, so it knocks you up into the air.

New York, USA

@itsryan212 has a speedrun on his profile you have to turn on show misc categories the time is 4:08 igt

Alaska, USA

Thanks cookie

Alaska, USA

Thanks cookie