almost forgot
Breaking these rules, based on severity, will result in your forums or comments removed, be punished in the Badorkbee Discord server, or get banned from
- Strong language is forbidden.
Includes slurs and threats. Light profanity is fine.
- English only.
- No NSFW or suggestive content.
Applies to images, profile pictures, etc.
- Have basic respect for others.
Do not be overly disrespectful and be toxic towards other users. Rude comments in a joking manner is fine when it is not outright harassment.
- No spamming and no flooding.
Posting multiple useless comments will result in them being removed, just put them all in one message. Long messages are fine as long as they aren't unnecessarily long to annoy people. Creating forums for useless reasons will have it locked and removed.
For more information on rules, read the site rules at