Slightly dumb idea for a category: Nice%
2 years ago
Nottinghamshire, England
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

Playing through all story mode levels and game overing on 69 points (inspired by an unintentional score of 69) Continues allowed Can use all characters or a chosen team Getting more than 69 points doesn't count

Västernorrland, Sweden

Continues does not work when going for high scores, so that ruling would not be needed. I do like the idea of a category that sees more than stage 1 of each level tbh. :)

izziecharlotte likes this
Nottinghamshire, England
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

That's fair, I'm just very bad at the game so decided to give myself a safety net, I didn't know about the high score thing in relation to continues. I did think that despite the obvious meme nature of the category it was pretty different to a lot of things already on the leaderboard as it requires getting pretty far into each stage (well, pretty far to someone like me with bad reflexes)

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does japanese make a difference?

hey guys, just thought i'd give an update on some findings from recently.

back when the game first came out there was a small conception that jp would be faster since in other games, japanese and other similar languages are faster than eng generally due to faster scrolling text/less text boxes.

3 years ago
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