GTA V tag-team co-op run @ ESA next week!
9 years ago
Utrecht, Netherlands

I feel like I should start with posting a disclaimer. The disclaimer being that this run is not with 100% certainty taking place, as it is not officially on the ESA schedule (yet). The reason I'm still deciding to create this topic is that I'm 90-95% sure that it WILL happen and have even booked airplane tickets based on this premise / assumption.

So, how, when, what, you may ask. But not after realizing...YES, GTA V will be run at a major speedrunning marathon!! And it will feature 3 runners, following the 1 character = 1 speedrunner concept. Cool right? Zoton2 as Franklin, Meridianprime as Trevor and me (KVD) as Michael.

The channel that it will be streamed on:

ESA schedule (it will be on Yellow Stream):

The plan is that we will run GTA V (Any% NMS) overnight in one of the longer open blocks. To be precise, the one from the night of 3rd to 4th of July on stream I (starting at 1:25AM CEST after GTA Vice City bingo).

All that needs to be done now is for Meridian (and/or Zoton2) to chalk it up on the white board @ the ESA venue (the board is meant for submitting runs for the open blocks). We talked to the people running ESA and its schedule and they gave the ok and didn't foresee any problems.

It's a graveyard shift for us Europeans (in terms of timezone), but for people watching from other continents (especially Americans) it's right at the golden hours. Hope to see of many as you as possible! Let's go for sub-7h, KAPPA.


Well it was hard for me to stay up for Dreamhack run, but i will try to watch if i can :D. If i work on 4th of july then obviously wont be able to watch :D. Lets hope you get the spot.

Utrecht, Netherlands

4th of July is not only independence day (fireworks!), but also a Saturday. Hope you have the day off like us! :)

Utrecht, Netherlands

Quick update now that we are officially on the schedule:



i was surprised that you got under estimate with BS that you got. :)

KVD likes this
Utrecht, Netherlands

Me too actually! During the run so much stuff went SOUTH (including Blue Screen of Death and worst txt messager RNG ever part 2¤) I was telling Zoton2 and Meridian we probably wouldn't make the estimate. Both of them were not too worried, I guess they were right. Shoutout to safe estimates.

At least the majority of missions went well I suppose, I especially liked how smooth Blitz Play was despite the intense controller swapping taking place. :)

Either way we were all happy with how much fun the run & concept were. Thnx for watching guys!

¤from the top of my head the txt message breakdown was like this (all reached the max of what I've ever seen): -Carbine Rifles 7 -Mini Sub 7 -Military Hardware 8

And of course Cleaning out the Bureau was the 5th car as well, though the traffic lights were kinda decent after.

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