1.2 Any% File name and ACE setup
1 year ago
United States

Hi! I’ve recently been taking a break from sm64 runs and wanted to try running any% on my english 1.2 cart. I learned how to perform language change srm from MrCheeze’s video, but can’t seem to find any setups or tutorials for 1.2 ace. If anybody knows of any tutorials or wiki guides that would help that’d be great. Thanks! :)

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Massachusetts, USA

This is a tutorial for the most recent route with lightnode SRM, ask the discord if you have any other questions https://discord.gg/7FYGh3d

JTown2909 likes this
United States

Sry I don’t have discord :(

Do the same setups work on all platforms?

Massachusetts, USA

The platform shouldn't matter, it's mainly the version. As long as you are on v1.2, then the setup should work for you :)

JTown2909 likes this
United States

Nice! Thx for the info :)

United States

In one of the comments, the guy says it won’t work on Wii U vc, but that is also 1.2 (I think). Does that mean there are different setups for n64, GameCube, wii, and Wii U 1.2?


The Any% route/tutorial linked before is the fastest current setup and only works on Wii VC. No other platform will work. If you're not on Wii VC there are some different but slower setups for you. Sounds like you're on N64, so this tutorial will be fine up until the final angle setup, but you'll need a different filename. For N64 you also can't pause in the shop, you have to pause after leaving. Check out this video by MrCheeze for the filename (description) , and check out the fastest N64 run, by mkbgnr, for an example of an optimal run.

Cheeze puts the filename in Hex, you can convert it to filename characters with this tool: https://lemon32767.github.io/ootfname

Also definitely recommend signing up for discord just to join ours. If its your first speedrun of this game you'll probably have a pretty tough time learning the route on your own without experienced eyes on your mistakes. But of course it's up to you.

JTown2909 likes this
United States

Yes I’m on n64 and use the 1.2 cart.

Thx for the help! :)

I’ll try to join the discord soon, I just need to convince my parents to let me first lol

I used to do defeat ganon (any% then) all the time with my friends about 4-5 years ago so coming back feels really good

Edited by the author 1 year ago
United States

Finished a couple any% runs last night :)

I was doing everything right before, except I kept pausing in the shop to equip stuff lol

I’m on English cart which means I’ll have to do language change srm first, and then do any%. I’ll try to get a run under 30min before I submit anything.

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