Trying to understand the Castle Skip in Soig TAS Speedrun

In the TAS run there is a damage boost through the ceiling at 10:05...

I can't understand how this is being achieved. You land on the wooden platform to trigger the camera to move up, but how is he piercing the ceiling barrier? He's higher than I can get before being damage boosted.

If there is even a remote chance of pulling this off in a run then I'm eager to understand what is allowing Egon to move up through the invisible barrier.

Any ideas?

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

i kind of wonder if thats character specific?

Pennsylvania, USA

it also makes me think of the tas only blob skip for castlevania ii simon's quest, where simon has to meet the blob at exactly the right moment in time at the exact height, like everything gotta be picture perfect. it looks like the tas moves to the right when jumping on the projectile. i'll be curious to know if you can get this to go. the tas even holds up left before jumping aiming the gun up, i wonder if thats what makes that enemy shoot like that as well.

Florida, USA

I've tried. I had no luck with it.

Pennsylvania, USA

this got me interested so i tried messing with it for like an hour with no success. i looked up tas video and it says something about up + down jump, makes no reference but i think its the referring to the one in question. i can't hit up plus down at the same time with my controller

Pennsylvania, USA

I just got it but i used my keyboard while using the controller. so i don't know if there is a way to hold up and down at the same time. someone who uses a keyboard for a controller could pull this trick off hold up first then hold down and jump and you will see it puts you higher through the floor. then meet the ball to glitch you through the floor

Florida, USA

So it requires holding up and down at the same time? That's a tricky one considering you'd need a keyboard so if it's impossible for hardware or a controller? I may have to look into banning that skip or making a separate category for it. First I'll try and see if it's manageable on console. If I can get it? That'd be awesome because the castle can be stressful at times.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

i would imagine that it cant be done on hardware unless you have some sort of modification. I know i won't be running this game anytime soon i was curious if i could figure it out. Makes ya wonder what else can be done though. well good luck man, post your progress if ya manage to get it. e positioning for the jump and when you meet the projectile feel like they have to be spot on the climb itself doesn't have to be like it was in the tas

Florida, USA

Yeah I'll give it a whirl and see what I can do. You know as well as I do "level area skips" are always a good time.

Edited by the author 4 years ago

If the skip can only be done by pressing both up and down exactly on the same frame then i'm ambivalent about allowing it. There are a number of speedruns, "Zelda: Link to the Past" especially where it is banned, so much to the point where top runners are required to show their controller on camera.

Physically using original hardware, it certainly wasn't possible to press up and down at the same time. The controllers pivotted, much like D-Pads still slightly pivot today. If it cannot be physically done at release date then i'm not sure it should be allowed to be done now.

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