Need help on Low%
6 years ago
United States

I decided to learn the Low% as I would like to submit it and Any% to SGDQ next year but I am having trouble on the route, specifically the Young Lady skip right before Sybil. Can anyone who knows the route explain the OOB movement for me? I can't seem to get a feel for where Red is while she is off screen.


After you go OoB from the visible part of the map, go left and then down for like a second each (to avoid getting stuck at a corner), and then straight right until the camera stops moving. From there:

Up right for 15s Up until the OVC Terminal textbox is fully visible Up right until Transistor finishes his second voice line Up until you hear the savepoint activating Up left for 5 seconds Straight left until you trigger the humming cutscene

It's very well possible that there is a faster setup, but this is the one I've been using to get to the correct spot consistently.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
United States

OMG you are amazing, literally got it first try with this!

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