new category suggestions
2 months ago
United States

heya, i just picked the game back up after a few years and i decided to check to see if there were speedruns for it and apparently there are

so i checked out the categories and i was sorta surprised there aren't any categories for score, unique gun discovery count, or higher floor categories

i'm still kinda new to this website so sorry if this isn't where i'm supposed to put this but yea, i think those would be cool

-Wiffles- likes this
Missouri, USA

Heyo! I am pretty much the only active person for OMFG right now lol. But mods do verify runs every once in a while. I do think score and discovery count could also be a category and think it should be added. Good suggestion.

There is a high floor count category already however labeled floors highscore. Also feel free to join the discord to talk to me and others about the game :D

Vermont, USA
Super moderatorOreoSR
He/Him, They/Them
2 months ago

As of right now we only go to 10 floor because when the game was at its most active, that was all people were interested in going fast on. Floors highscore is there as a leaderboard, but if people would be interested in 15 floor or 20 floor categories, I would gladly add them!