8 months ago
Sligo, Ireland
He/Him, It/Its
8 months ago

As much as I try I can't land most if not all of the skips, so does anyone know if there's a category/will be one for skipless/glitchless? I'm very new to speedruns.

United States

no major skips

Sligo, Ireland
He/Him, It/Its
8 months ago

no major skips still has skips i can't do no matter how much i try


if you're looking through the guide, it some what outdated as they patched that invisible wall next to the tree, watch newer runs as they have a more up to date version of that skip

Deleted by the author

No Major Skips can also be ran without skips.

You're still doing everything but smarter.

If you don't want to use skips, then don't!!!