i genuinely cant tell if thats a joke (im incredibly new to speedrun.com so idk how fast it takes for people to get verified here)
can't believe that this random person who most likely has quit speedrunning and doesn't really care about the DASE series anymore isn't going online randomly and deciding to for some reason check DASE3's pending speedruns, smh
also i did not set up this leaderboard and the guy who did quit and just made me mod cuz i was very involved in dase2 stuff (thats why that run took 2 months to get verified), so its a bit disorganized and the rules are unclear, plus there's been a discord for these games for like 4-5 years and its never been linked here for some reason, so i should probably fix some of that...
That's alright, I was incredibly new to speedrun.com (2 days old to be exact) so I didn't know how long stuff takes to verify, or how much people actually care about this website lol. I can wait, no need to rush or anything.
Also, if I could get a link to that server, that'd be nice. I tried looking at the other DASE speedrun pages in search for any server I could join, but I couldn't find any.