The games rigged
3 months ago
United Kingdom

The platform that goes up and down in the sand area boots me off when i jump on it.

youve rigged the speedrun you cheeky bugger


I don't think I've done that haha, are you sure its booting you off and in which direction? Could you send me a link to a video showing this?

United Kingdom

I'm just phasing through the bottom of it when it moves up and here's a link to a video:

United Kingdom

The actual bug is 44 seconds in. i should've edited the video mb


Wait I have never seen that before. After doing a bit of testing I will make an educated guess that the issue is caused due to the resolution of your screen. By the looks of the start screen you have at least a 2560x1440 if not a 4k monitor, but the game is built to be played on a 1920x1080 screen. If you go to your display settings and make sure the resolution is 1920x1080 and scaling is set to 100% it should fix the issue. Hopefully this felt, if not lmk and I'll try to help again

Haute-Normandie, France

Why is your screen so big lol

United Kingdom

thanks ill try that. i worry for my safety, what bro deleted.

United Kingdom

i tried that and it didna work. also idfk why they even make screens this big lol.


ah alr, I'm honestly not too sure then. I wish I could help but this is an old game a made quite a while ago and I don't have the original project anymore, only the exe file which I gave to everyone so I can't make any changes or fix it. Apologies, hopefully you can figure out what's going on and play the game normally

United Kingdom

im gonna be honest i cant be arsed to do yun but congrats on making the game anyways godot can be quite hard for beginner programmers.

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