Looking for glitches
7 years ago
Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

Hey guys as I'm attempting to get a PB in this game I had to do some important glitches and I tried to find some, and I actually found 2 which are unusable atm for the run but maybe some further and deeper searches will lead to new routes? zombie glitch- Troll skip:

OOB thanks to bosses?:

I apologize both for my english and the number of resets to show the glitches

Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

I also tried to glitch the item menu thanks to the "Yes" item but the best thing I had was a reset from the game


don't worry about the english. The OOB glitch is a know glitch and we don't know how to take advantage about it. We know about a glitch in the train that is able to teleport us in the Forest but the game is in a kind of soft lock ( no fight and talk with NPC -if i remember correctly ).

For the first "zombie" glitch did you fight some enemy and saw whats happenen? The troll skip is a major skin in the run btw. ;)

thanks for the help to find new glitch and good luck with your try

United States

The Troll Skip glitch is interesting. The OOB thing has happened to me twice, once at Knight and once at DADA fight. I think that it warps you to 0,0 on the map and that you cannot get back in bounds, though you can move around in there. The 'Yes' item is very unstable, it can be helpful or crash the game, more often than not you will crash the game, the only good thing that I have gotten to happen with it so far is being able to skip across lake from the start menu, other than that everything that hasn't crashed the game has done basically nothing other than glitch up the screen.

Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

Gand if I recall I mentionned in the video that it reacts the same way as the warp. I just mentionned it because it doesn't make the troll skip softlock . I searched here cause I was training for my runs (3 softlock yesterday :'( , over 130 resets and no PB) and I wanted to know how powerful it is (and how we under estimate it). I'm aware that what i've done is useless but some of you made a TAS of it which brings many informations about how the games works, and might bring some new ideas for further research. Thanks for your answer tho :D

Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

Another question: What does the select button when you're in the menu?

Edit: I forgot to mention that once when going in items while troll skip launched the troll fight (with cinematic) the same way as it does with knight

Edited by the author 7 years ago
United States

What menu are you talking about? I was messing with that and nothing happened in either the start menu nor the fight menus.

Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

I was speaking in the start item menu. I thought it has a specific use. I can't understand how the bag works it is pretty strange. My aim was to create an underflow in the bag and maybe manipulate the memory (as the pokemon gen 1 does in nsc)

Edited by the author 7 years ago
United States

Well what I was wondering is if there was a way to control the 'Yes' item, if we were able to do that then we might be able to work on some potential resets to change the RNG kind of thing, or something to that avail. That might be something worth looking into.

Lorraine, France

I find something (maybe found before but not used however it's simple to do and you can gain ~2 secondes) When you bring Norbert at the 7th Floor, after did that you just use upstair. You are walking until you see the Filch cutscene. But you can "skip" the first part when he walks until you. You just need, at the perfect frame when he takes you, press "start", go in to the "Equip Menu" (like for the troll, same manipulation), and Filch will glitch.

If you press A 2 times during the Filch glich (or more A, it's like you wannt :3) that Skip the "Walking Animation" into the dialogue "Gotcha" and you will be teleport in front of McGonagall.


PS: For the first picture, the red square start few pixels before (next frame down, on the picture it's two frames down from Harry's position) PS2: Tell me if you can't use the picture

Edited by the author 6 years ago
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