7 years ago
Washington, USA

Something's fishy about how this game is processed on the 3DS. The timer starts on 30:00 instead of 29:59, meaning that all the records can be beaten in a breeze with it (all of our current runs are on gameboy or gameboy equivalents).

I just noticed that your 4B record started at the normal time, 29:59, which is quite confusing.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
dancingbranch likes this

I used an emulator, and that is very strange... I'll look upon this later. Thanks for bringing it up.


Comparing the times I see the extreme difference too (In 1A, 4B was identical to the GB start time)

If it turns out the 3DS actually runs on different times; what I suggest is that we separate the leaderboard into 2 full game categories. (GB and 3DS)

What emulator were you using, MannedTooth? I'd like to try testing this too if I can. :)

On that note, I also think we should add a list of legal emulators to the Game Rules to ensure timing. For the Gameboy I suggest allowing 'bgb and gambatte'; the standard allowed GB emulators.



It was Visual Boy Advance.



I had read "Played on Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console" on the run and assumed it was a 3DS emulator.

So it was just a copy of the English Gameboy Rom played on VBA? I assume it was just the Gameboy Rom from EmuParadise?

I'll try to download VBA and a Rom tonight to see if I can replicate it.

Maybe it was an issue with the emulator; I know other games generally don't accept it as an emulator (but I admit I don't know why; I assumed a timing issue though).



I could try to play it directly on my 3DS VC, but I don't have anything to record it with. I'll see if the difference is really present.


Thanks! Keep me posted.

I'll let you know if I can replicate it with VBA and an English ROM. Whatever the result; something is definitely up with that 1A run.

If the difference really exists on the 3DS I think we should split the leaderboard; otherwise I think we should just specify legal emulators(Maybe we should do this anyway too; before we add Full Game categories.)



Upon further inspection, I tried it again on my emulator and got mixed results, it sometimes starts at 30:00 and sometimes at 29:59. I'm beginning to think it might have something to do with the internal clock, like, depending on which frame you launch the level. Perhaps I simply got lucky.

Washington, USA

hmmmm... I've never gotten it to start on 30:00 . Could the emulator be handling something differently?

dancingbranch likes this

Couldn't tell, if someone here is a good TASer, we could try to launch a level on different frames and see?


I've been working on it and have been unable to replicate it as well. 30 or so tries so far and always the same start time.

Setup I used: Visual Boy Advance 1.8.0 Rom: https://www.emuparadise.me/Nintendo_Game_Boy_ROMs/Mario's_Picross_(USA,_Europe)/69161

How often are you able to get the "long 30" thing to happen, MannedTooth; and what setup were you using?

Also, What Emulator do you normally use, Qwerty?

I will give it 10 tries and 10 resets to see if I can replicate it. Otherwise, I can get into the TAS stuff to see if I can replicate this bug once I get more info.


Washington, USA

I use gambatte.

dancingbranch likes this

Okay good, I can skip testing that emulator then, that's my normal one; but I'm trying to use all the tools MannedTooth had to replicate this.

I did about 10 resets and a total of 100 runs of 1A last night and the start time was consistent at 29:59. So far the only 30:00 start I've seen had been MannedTooths submission. So I'll wait to hear about how often MannedTooth can get this to happen/what exact ROM he used/What version of VBA he used. (Maybe I can get some fuller video of it happening? Including both 29:59 starts and 30:00 starts? Or even right from power on?)

With these, I'll start to try launching 1A on every frame to see if I get new results. :)



I have a full video if you want. Also, maybe the fact that I used quick saves at the hint menu to skip the waiting has something to do with it ?


Here : As you can see, it had a 30:00 timer the 1st, 2nd and 4th time, but the 3rd time didn't for some reason, but it's the same process.... That's pretty weird.



Oh, the quick saves might have something to do with it!

And a full video would be super helpful with trying to replicate it with a TAS emulator. If you have a place you could upload it for me it would be great! :)

I just wanted to double check a couple variables with you first if I can: -What version of VBA were you using? -What ROM did you download, so I can ensure I have the same one. The English one from Emuparadise? (https://www.emuparadise.me/Nintendo_Game_Boy_ROMs/Mario's_Picross_(USA,_Europe)/69161) -You mentioned that you "got mixed results" when trying to replicate this. How often are you able to get the 30:00 start vs the 29:59 start? Do you have any other 30:00 starts recorded/are there any other 30:00 starts in the full video you have?

And thanks again for your help on this! If a bug like this exists it could change every run for this game; so I'd like to get replication steps everyone can use if it's possible. :) Or just solve this mystery if it's not. Aha.



Ahaha, I was typing my answer as you were typing yours.

All that info is perfect; thanks so much! :)

I'll give an update from my VBA testing or my TAS emulator testing if I get anything!



Alright! Keep me up to date with it!


Also, I'm not sure about how to formulate this, but when you press the button to select if you take hints or no (Z for me on the emulator). Sometimes when you hold it and down after selecting it, you automatically starts mining, sometimes you mine everything except for the first square, sother times you dont even mine something at all.

I'm pretty sure this wasnt clear, but with messing with it you'll understand. I think.

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