exactly the same game- but mirrored everything is flipped horizontally. it is the same game and only lefts and rights are switched, yet while being the same game, it is so different. it would be great to see the actual challenges that could come with this, as i have never tried it
this is also a call to anybody who knows how to make a mod- a mirror mod would be pretty great. i have no idea how to make one myself
Amorphous, before you shut down another potentially really good category, at least consider it. Judt one change really would affect the game so much. It would probably be an easy mod to make for anybody who can make mods. Once its out, people can try it and see how it really is. It would really be GOIWBF hard mode. It is disorienting at first and takes getting used to. We cannot literally do hard mode (small hammer, high gravity) because there would be no way to prove it. This is the GOIwBF hard mode that has crossed everybody’s mind at least once before.
And, like I said before- I really want to try this out for myself snd see other people try it, but it does not exist yet. Anybody who makes mods, PLEASE try to make this one.
No, Amorphous is right. This game is something that you get used to. The janky controls, the style of game-play, it's all stuff to get used to. Once you do, it becomes so much easier. I agree a mirror mod would be fun, especially for those of us who have played this game to shit, but it doesn't deserve its own category. Besides, the mods have already said that they would prefer that there wouldn't be a category which requires the game to be modded in order to play it. It seems like nowadays people just want to be the next guy who comes up with the magic category, when in actuality this game really only has one. Even snake is a bit silly if you think about it. Regardless it still makes more sense than to mod the game specifically for a category. 'Nuff said.
everyone is trying to get the mods to add a new category, they're too fucking stubborn and adamant on the idea that the game needs to look serious despite the fact that the community is dying and it doesn't matter. You should just give up because it's never going to happen.
i have no idea whatsoever why the mods wont take a chance- a category could end up not being popular!! oh no!!! and what is the downside? what is the actual bad thing that will happen when a category isnt popular enough? will the speedrun gods smite the mods? will goiwbf be the laughingstock of the speedrun community, and well have to hide our faces in public? no. nothing bad will happen. in the worst case scenario, the category will not be that popular, and the mods will just get rid of it after a while. people move on. or, it could actually be fun....
I still don't appreciate you implying we've never responded to the different category ideas Sen.
I'm not entirely sure why this category idea is even being discussed. As far as I know there have been no map mods at all, let alone one that'd mirror the normal map, so while it might be interesting to imagine a category like this it's just not possible right now.
"I still don't appreciate you implying we've never responded to the different category ideas Sen." i read through my recent post and i really have no idea where you got me saying that from and omfg dude it doesnt JUST have to be a mirror category. and (how many times have i said it? way too many) this is a CALLOUT FOR PEOPLE WHO LIKE MAKING MODS TO TRY TO MAKE ONE!!!!
imo the best way to get a category added is first of all get a community that is already running that category even without leaderboards and they do it because they enjoy it. Currently I'm running all skip runs because I enjoy it, I know it's extremely niche so not many people do it even though I enjoy it so I haven't bothered mention getting it added. If you decide to not run something because there is no leaderboard for it then that alone shows why it shouldn't be a category. Space % was a good start tbh, There was a small community to it and people enjoyed it but there were clear issues with it. Run a category because you like it, Not just to get it added as a leaderboard. We wouldn't be stubborn to literally everything, If a lot of people started running a specific category which was creative, people enjoyed it and it was in some way a complete run then you've got a pretty good looking category and I'm just gonna say it now it will most likely be hard to get a category like that but if it does exist then that's great for everyone. In case you didn't know Getting Over It didn't have a speedrun.com leaderboard for a while and instead it was just a spreadsheet in the discord for the fastest times.
Edit: This post is made as advice btw, Not to make an argument. I think all skips is great and fun, although definitely hard. If it's something that people are interested in I'll even take the first step and make a spreadsheet of times people get if there are some people interested in it. Just to be clear in All Skips the only thing I deem necessary are chimney skip, Furniture skip and Snowman skip.
This is a follow up to the previous news post, see
It has now been decided by the mod team that mobile runs should not be allowed on the individual level leaderboard due to their inaccuracy in timing. All mobile runs will be removed and no more will be ac