2 years ago

Es: Hola, estuve practicando el hww y no me funciona, hago el dpad, L1, R1 pero tampoco, todos los botonoes al mismo tiempo tampoco, de 100 intentos 2 hago xd. Alguna ayuda de como puedo mejorar en hacer el glitch diganme pls

En: Hello, I was practicing the hww and it does not work for me, I do the dpad, L1, R1 but neither, all the buttons at the same time either, of 100 attempts 2 I do xd. Any help on how I can improve on making the glitch tell me pls

Czech Republic

I believe you have already joined the Discord, but for future reference, that is generally the best place to ask for help with such things.

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Should Gadgetlemage runs be allowed on Dropmod leaderboards?

There has been a recent discussion regarding Gadgetlemage runs and the dropmod categories. The moderators have been collecting the relevant arguments for allowing and disallowing Gadgetlemage on the dropmod leaderboard and decided it's time for a community poll.

Please see the submission form below

18 days ago
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