Max% needs rules
8 years ago
Utah, USA

From what I can learn, max% means do everything in the game. There are some things I'm wondering about whether or not I have to do them, because of a few reasons. The in-game menu keeps track of how many bananas there are in each world and how many you've collected. However, it doesn't include the bananas in the mini levels. This means that I can complete the counters without getting every banana, or even exceed the number ( Am I required to get every banana, or just 3,000? In every world, there is a shop lady who sells characters and minigames. However, resetting shop data isn't possible. This means for me to buy every item, I would have to play this game(that crashes frequently)with no memory cards. Do I have to take out memory cards and buy out the shops? In Moonhaven, there are two goons(Fire and bigmouth in the open area) worth zero points. This means you can 100% the game without killing them. Do I have to kill them in max%? Thanks to whoever clarifies this.

Utah, USA

Other questions/comments: -Do I have to do every level in max%? -Some bananas are literally impossible to collect because of bad alignment with cannons (seen here: )

Texas, USA

I believe Jcool added Max%. I don't know really anything about Story however I understand your concern. I can contact Jcool if you want clarification, otherwise, I'm of no help.

Sorry again

Colorado, USA

fluteboy should mod

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Alabama, USA

I thought it should be all obtainable bananas (which I don't know the exact numbers for), all Naysayers defeated, all Challenge Mode stages completed, getting 100% in all worlds, and buying all the stuff from Paipai (do you have another memory card to use for that by chance?), but it'd probably be a better category if cut down to getting at least what the game considers the max number of bananas. All obtainable bananas would be awful, for example I shot a cannon for a long time in exactly the same way and somehow got more bananas after about half an hour, with no difference in shooting. Making it just the regular 3,000 bananas I think would make it work best. (Don't listen to me though, I'm not defining any rules.)

Texas, USA

Maybe Max% just shouldn't be on the leaderboards. Or at least Jcool could've said something tbh.

Texas, USA

I agree with Frikkinfriks, should have at least been created with some rules

Texas, USA

OK. So, I asked Jcool twice ironically, heckled a bit for purposefully skipping my second message, then asked him a third time a bit more seriously on why Max% is a category while he was doing Sunshine ILs, and then he timed me out. Like, he avoided the question the first time and acted like I said hi and wouldn't respond to anything else I said about this. Comedically, he saw my last message recently after a good run died. Here's the chat. (I didn't actually type the whole link to this site, BTTV just did that when the message got deleted) I have never seen him time out anyone in his chat before, so this was pretty interesting.

Utah, USA

I might have an answer. Today I asked jcool about the rules when he was streaming. He said that the goal is to get the progress bar in the pause menu to 100%. The progress bar is found by pausing, choosing World->progress and looking at the bottom of the screen

Texas, USA

And he did his very best to avoid me asking even when I stopped joking? Wow, cringe.

Colorado, USA

Well he can do whatever he wants in his own stream, including and not limited to timing out annoying people and ignoring inquiries about games that he's not playing. There are 6 other people you can pester for an answer. I can't believe that was worth a forum post. Wow, cringe. Wow, cringe. Wow, cringe. Wow, cringe. Wow, cringe. Wow, cringe. Wow, cringe. Wow, cringe. Wow, cringe. Wow, cringe. Wow, cringe.

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