Glitch 1 in Glacier there is an invisible platform above the climbing trainer moving the camera changes the collision best done if you move the screen all the way to the left.
Glitch 2 and 3 need you to have level 250 Running, Climbing, and Flying
Glitch 2 in Volcano in the red key race after you do the climbing part you duck will be flying upside down and backwards (b.u.f) and glitch 3 in that same race if you boost before you duck finishes climbing it will fly normally but wen it goes to jump it will be upside down the lower your jumping level is the longer you duck will be upside down
Don't see how any of these can be done in Any% as they require many things that either don't help the game or just don't work with the current Any% route. It also looks like you were playing on the mobile version but most of the DL2013 runners play on PC. Still, great discoveries :)
all of my glitches work on the steam version but my duck was to weak to do (b.U.F) at 0:00 I do upside down climbing with the help of a cave and at 3:12 I do it without the help of a cave at 31:54 i do (I.F.P) invisible frozen platform , at 21:33 I do (pogo slide) but you duck can still fall in holes and at 19:40 I do (D.B.A) Dead But Alive
turns out you only need level 180 flying for (b.u.f) and level 200 for jumping upside down you will still need level 250 running and climbing (B.U.F) happens at 47:20 and upside down jumping happens at 51:40
My 7th place run had 2 glitches: glitch 1, right after the feeding tutorial for some reason I had 2 ducks I call this glitch Duck Duplication (D.D) wile glitch 2, (T.F.I) takes place at the start of the green key race you opponent is the default white duck you spawn in a wall and there is a purple dot where your duck should be no one is moving you don't loose energy and the ducks T-pose to end the glitch just exit the race and the opponent's eye keeps changing, TFI = T-posing for infinity
Forktastic the only vid I made with more then one copy open is my Volcano X16 where I put my computer to max volume and have the Volcano map music playing 16 times out of sink I used 16 copies of the game to do that the rest all only use 1 copy and I did Volcano X16 for fun
My 7th place run had 2 glitches: glitch 1, right after the feeding tutorial for some reason I had 2 ducks I call this glitch Duck Duplication (D.D) wile glitch 2, (T.F.I) takes place at the start of the green key race you opponent is the default white duck you spawn in a wall and there is a purple dot where your duck should be no one is moving you don't loose energy and the ducks T-pose to end the glitch just exit the race and the opponent's eye keeps changing, TFI = T-posing for infinity
this has happened to snivy and me many times while we were running the game lol
My TFI was a little different because my opponent's eyes kept on changing also the weird invisible platform above the climbing trainer still works