Trials Speedruns
Connecticut, USA

Since the addition of the trials, I decided to start doing RTA speedruns of Laura's trials. Here's my current PB video at 1:22.79, with timing beginning from the first input and ending on the final success text. I would like to see a board for this if anyone is willing to make it and run it, because I would be more than glad to put more effort into Laura, Dhalsim, Zangief, and Ken to give the boards a bit of competition. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope to see some response soon.

peck324 likes this
Connecticut, USA

So is nobody interested in having the trials put up in the boards? I mean, it'd be as simple as just adding an extra column to each of the characters in the Individual Levels board... But if nobody is interested, that's cool too.

peck324 likes this
Connecticut, USA

Alright, thank you for letting me know.

Connecticut, USA

I know it's not going to be a part of the boards yet, or at all, but just to give a little update because I'm proud of myself and I like running this, I just wanted to share this 1:12:20

peck324 and TheNannerpuss12 like this

Hi I'm new commer. My English isn't good I want try make speedrun with SF5 (not stream) but I don't know how to do? How about rules? How about with new game updates?. Someone here can help me? Here's my Ryu demo :

Edited by the author 8 years ago
Connecticut, USA

As of right now, we don't have the trials as a part of the leaderboard, not until we get more people interested in it, and I'm glad you came and shared yours here. Any people who do trials runs can post them here and if we get enough, I can convince the others to let me make it a part of the boards. Some rules we would have are that has to be a single segment run, resetting a trial midway through to try again is acceptable, and because there is no in game timer for it, an on screen timer of some sort must be provided. I don't anticipate updates changing anything but frames of movement when it comes down to a final time and an addition of new characters for the trials at this moment, so it wouldn't be too much to worry about.

Now if you're interested in doing survival runs, I'd recommend it. Typically what I do is find a decent combo that has good DPS, see what I can do to set it up and then repeat it. When doing survival, you want to make sure you get as much damage as possible before the stun, and land the stun on a single heavy attack, otherwise the damage stacking will cause your next combo to be next to worthless with the exception of EX moves that don't deal stun damage until the very final hit. Knock downs are debated between me and my brother, I say that they are good to keep control, because when they stand up, they tend not to block the next shot. But they do waste time if they don't do the quick wake up. The Critical Art attacks waste time during the animation because the clock continues to run during them. I find them to be bad in almost all situations except for Ryu because in some cases, it can skip the stun, but with that it doesn't even save much time because of the animation. Good luck, and have fun :)

peck324 likes this
California, USA

Here's a video of a great player name Desk who did a speed run of Ryu's trial 41 seconds.

California, USA

Here is also my speed run on Ken's Trial. 00:59"65. Couldn't do the pause moment on trial 4, 8 and 9 since it takes great timing to do lol. Enjoy!

California, USA

Here's two new trials I did feat. Cammy and Bison. Enjoy!

California, USA

Birdie and R.Mika's Speed Run Trials.

Connecticut, USA

I really don't like this thing where you skip to the next trial during the final hit, but I won't complain because it does count it in the game as a success.

peck324 likes this
California, USA

This is the quickest way of getting through the trials, waiting for Ryu to get back up would waste a couple or a few of seconds of time.

Also here is Dhalsim and Larua's Speed Run Trials.

Connecticut, USA

Don't jump in for trial 5 with Laura. You save time by dashing in and then using heavy kick.

peck324 likes this
California, USA

Your right just got a habit of her jumping since the starting of her trials start out with jumping lol

Connecticut, USA

I had the same problem with her as well when I did runs without skipping to the next trial before the final hit confirming the success.

peck324 likes this
California, USA

Here's Necalli's, Guiles and Balrog's Trials. Do you think this can be enough to put the Trials on the Board?

California, USA

And also can the Story mode be added to the board as well? I'll gladly speed run that lol

California, USA

Even if it shows the "SUCCESS" sign? I believe that would be the quickest way for a speedrun. Also people can play the story mode Offline which reduces the loading time. But it's your call and I'm not complaining lol