I Really want to run this game
6 years ago
Kansas, USA

Hey i own a physical copy of seek and destroy but i do not have a ps2 im wondering if i run the game from CDVD in software mode and disabled all of PCSX2 speedhacks if i would be allowed to compete. Thank you for your time

Virginia, USA

I think the rules on emulators being banned are hard set, and the game is pretty dead. If you could show the loadtimes and gameplay was the same or worse, It would be fine by me but I'm not a moderator. GL either way, this game is laggy and rough on the eyes :p

Ontario, Canada

The problem is load times on emulator are way faster than ps2. But I really don't want to stop anyone from running the game if they don't have a ps2 so I guess we could make emu another category. Kinda sucks to split a dead game but unfair to put them together imo.

Kansas, USA

Thank You So Much!

i bet if we brought more awareness to the game we could build a community.

Edited by the author 6 years ago

Hey Wats, glad to see your're interested in this little game. Feel free to ask questions if you need help with your run, either here or via pm. Would be nice to have a community here.

Gamesfan34260 likes this
Surrey, England
He/Him, They/Them
6 years ago

So, this might be a dumb question but is there no "New Game" mode? I ask cuz I never like starting off with nothing so speedruns with all the equipment would be something I'd prefer. I know that some games have NG+ runs like The Incredible Hulk - Ultimate Destruction and I thought that this game would've. If not then it's fine. PS: Sorry, I would've PM'd but uh "Coming soon™" is all I see

Virginia, USA

Any% is essentially "new game". You start from a fresh file and have to use the tanks provided by default and have only defualt treads/armor/weapons etc.

if you meant "New Game +" then, no iirc you cannot repeat missions so there is no run that has all the best equipment, stats, etc.

However, should you run some ILs (provided you are able to) such things would be well suited for your desires.

As an aside, most categories on SRC are created in response to runs, not vice versa. So feel free to run your desired category and a mod SHOULD be willing to make a spot for you.

Surrey, England
He/Him, They/Them
6 years ago

I see, thank you. Also, by NG+ I am referring to how if you load a completed save, it restarts the game with everything you bought. If it's acceptable, I can link a 30 second clip showing that, cuz I'm not sure I'm explaining it very well.

Virginia, USA

Ah. Makes perfect sense, I just have not played in a while. That should be a perfectly viable run, not sure if categories would be NG / NG+ at that point or what, but that can come after you do the run. Heck that may even get me back into the game lol.

Good luck on runs if you do them! Smash the Q-Force.

Gamesfan34260 likes this
Surrey, England
He/Him, They/Them
6 years ago

Tbh, if I were categorizing it, I'd just copy the way Ultimate Destruction is laid out, any% then NG+, at least that would make sense to me. I'll certainly give it a shot though but um, when I do, is it okay if I ask you to verify stuff before I share it on Speedrun.com? If I'm being honest, speedrunning is somewhat new to me so I'm not all too familiar with the rules :P

SRGTsilent likes this
Virginia, USA

As a fellow speedrunner, yes. But the way SRC works is any runs you submit (for most games) wont be publicly visible until approved and verified by a moderator. And Moderators are that for a reason, they know this game better then I (not a mod of this game) do.

But again, I can absolutely try. NG+ will probly be a 35 minute run. 20 minutes of gameplay, 10 of loading and 5 of lag. xD

We all have to start somewhere. One of the things i've learned is "trust your mods and follow your game's rules (vague rules are better because you have ore leeway to play around with)." If you wanna run something different do it first then let mods know, unless its gunna be highly contentious. Mods will almost always make way for more runners to join on any game. Even on a new category.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Gamesfan34260 likes this
Surrey, England
He/Him, They/Them
6 years ago

Maybe it's cuz I'm emulating it but I'm not really noticing a huge amount of lag...I do hope this isn't one of those games where the game speed is tied to framerate. I COULD test this on my actual PS2 but that'd require finding it and setting it up. (It's been a LONG time since I touched my PS2 XD) Definitely lots of looking for the enemies though, I don't have a save on the PC I'm currently using so I had to restart the game and I'm sure I spent 20 minutes looking for the last enemy...twice :'( So I guess I'm at the mercy of RNG XD

Ontario, Canada

NG+ sounds like a good idea to me, I can make a category for it. But yeah emulator cuts out a ton of lag over ps2. I don't think any specific timing has been done but its a pretty significant advantage.

Ontario, Canada

Ps2 would probably be preferred, but like sgt said I dont want to prevent anyone from running the game so use what you gotta use I guess.

Virginia, USA

I recently saw a policy that said EMU is fine as long as its not world record pace. That seems like a fair stance IMO, and I am aware this opinion contradicts the one I gave above. But PS2 is so laggy, I honestly wouldn't ban it at all, without a specific reason (I know most ps2 EMUs are less then adequate), because it just straight up runs bad.

The worst missions are defend the king mission, the sunset mission on the long road, and the night mission in Magic. But really anything that overloads the screen (rockets cough) will kill the frames.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Surrey, England
He/Him, They/Them
6 years ago

I actually checked earlier, obviously it wasn't at the same part but I loaded in 1 second whilst the other runs were 3 seconds. I should test it at the same part, just in case I was checking a spot that loaded faster / slower than the rest of the game.

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