Guinness World Records challenges!
5 years ago

In co-operation with Guinness World Records, we are launching some GWR-made categories. The WR holder in these categories can apply for an official GWR title, and will receive a GWR trophy in their profile.

Currently they are running three categories on the site:

Fastest time to beat all six boss rematches in Super Mario OdysseyFastest time to complete all Muspelheim Impossible Trials in God of War 2018 with Common level equipmentFastest time to collect all six enchanted apples on the 10 years of Minecraft map

And there may be more in the future. A game with GWR categories will have a GWR dropdown on its leaderboard (like the Misc dropdown), and you can find a list of games with GWR categories along with more info on the GWR page (accessible from More > GWR).

The moderators of these games are co-operating with this campaign, and all runs will be verified by them. Be sure to check the category rules, and the main GWR rules.

Good luck to all competitors!

Edited by the author 5 years ago
BlueJay2018, YUMmy_Bacon5 and 54 others like this


Mr_Poggers, Fiku and 2 others like this
United States


Fiku, palafrost, and aaron2u2 like this

Gub Wub of World Rub

Klagarn and AprilSR like this
Portland, OR, USA

Gub Wub of World Rub

Klagarn likes this
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palafrost and aaron2u2 like this
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DIABLERIE, Jabukahn and 13 others like this
Oregon, USA


Edited by the author 5 years ago
Hong Kong


United States

wow great discussion in the comments here guys

FloatzelGaming, totol and 2 others like this

wow great copy pasta in the comments here guys SeemsGood

United States
He/Him, They/Them
5 years ago

everything old is new again

jag2791 and xDrHellx like this

How about no


wow Pog

Mynameisjustyahoo and
like this

Gonna break the chain, why are the categories so random? Why not just Any% or something

SioN, Valmerix and 3 others like this
United States

Also, since Guinness' verification requirements are so stringent, I could see how that could conflict with moderation of existing categories.