Multitoon Run questions
7 months ago
United States
  1. What if a toon dies during a multitoon run?

  2. Is voice chatting during the run allowed, or is it considered an unfair advantage since speaking often is better than just texting?

  3. Is Goob considered advantageous for multitoon runs, since he can pull toons into the elevator, thus saving some time, and seems to be a decent kiting toon from what I've seen?

Zanum likes this
  1. nothing has been specified for dying in a run so maybe checking other multi toon runs might help with understanding if it's allowed

  2. there are no rules againsts it but if your run is top 5 or higher you may need to adjust the audio so we can hear the game

  3. no toon is againsts the rules so do whatever you want as long as it's possible normally in game (a good goob could take magnifying glass to help with machines on bigger floors so a slower teamate doesn't have to walk the entire floor and barelly survive to do it)

Edited by the author 7 months ago
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1: It will still count as the amount you started with, if you finish a 3 toon run on floor 5 but you are the only one standing it is still a 3 toon run.

2: Yes, vcing is allowed.

3: It's always worth trying new strats :D

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7 months ago