Hi there, does anyone have a tutorial (or can explain me) how can I turn on the input display on the SMB Pellsson Practice rom V5.6?
On the github, click the green "code" button, then "download zip". It should download a zipped folder. Unzip it and there is a file called smb-v5.6.ips. Use this website: https://www.marcrobledo.com/RomPatcher.js/ and under "ROM File" select the SMB1 rom. For "patch file" use the smb-v5.6.ips. Open the rom in an emulator and start the game. One you are in 1-1, press enter. A menu will appear. Use Select to move down to "Input" and A to change it to "On". Press enter to start the game again
get the smb practice 6.0
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