Introducing: Supporter! An ad-free alternative.
2 years ago


Many of you have asked for an ad-free alternative, so we’ve put together this awesome ad-free experience we’re introduced today called Supporter.

But we didn’t want to just deliver an ad-free experience, we wanted to give you more value! So we’ve developed a package of perks alongside it including new name customization options, a way to share your ad-free experience with other members of your favorite communities, a forum to tell us what we’re doing right and what we’re getting completely wrong, and access to beta features so you can play around with upcoming, in-development features before they’re released.

Intrigued? Want more details? Check out our announcement post:

We also want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has generously donated in the past. You’ve played an important role in getting the site to where it is today. We’re giving donors codes for courtesy Supporter time, scaling from one month all the way to lifetime access for 21 extremely generous donors.

We hope Supporter hits the right mark for everyone. The team has worked hard to develop this in such a way that Supporters receive real value for their generosity and support but do not receive any competitive advantages. We’re not interested in paywalling the core experience of

Thank you so much for your continued support. The team appreciates it and is looking forward to hearing from you about all things Supporter!

Cheers, Team

Oh_my_gourdness, Catsharked and 4 others like this

lol this is just discord nitro

still pretty cool tho, i just wish it was one-time purchase like donator not subscription

jackzfiml, bold and 5 others like this

Yeah same.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
SioN likes this
Glamorganshire, Wales

Oh how I wish this wasn't a subscription, the one-time purchase is reasonable surely

SioN likes this

@RaggedDan since you were an original donor, you have a complimentary code to redeem for Supporter


Will there be added different badges based on how many months you have been supporting the site for, or is this gonna be the only badge available?

Glamorganshire, Wales

@Meta that passed me by, really cool to hear lol

Meta likes this

[quote=Meta] @RaggedDan since you were an original donor, you have a complimentary code to redeem for Supporter [/quote] I really hope there's an automated system for giving OG donators code to redeem for Supporter because I don't want to imagine how time consuming it would be to manually message every single donator.

RaggedDan likes this
Pennsylvania, USA

Hi, is there any to make the formatting of the rest of the runs on your profile not look abnormal once you have selected a featured run?

RaggedDan likes this

We're still iterating on the layout, if you have feedback please let us know

Oh_my_gourdness likes this

@Hi the OG Donor codes were all given out automatically

Oh_my_gourdness likes this

Ah okay. What about my previous post though? [quote=Hi] Will there be added different badges based on how many months you have been supporting the site for, or is this gonna be the only badge available? [/quote]

Ontario, Canada

@WiiSuper have you tried disabling the Featured Run on the Beta Features tab?

Pennsylvania, USA

The option was originally greyed out but after trying again it seemed to work now, thank you

New Jersey, USA

im just gonna use an adblocker

Edited by the author 2 years ago
jackzfiml, Rektroth and 3 others like this
United States

[quote=Hi]Will there be added different badges based on how many months you have been supporting the site for, or is this gonna be the only badge available?[/quote]

Interesting idea, we'll give it some thought!

Amaz, sami, and YUMmy_Bacon5 like this
United States

One small piece of feedback—would you be able to make it so users that aren’t supporters don’t get the new post notification next to the supporters subforum?

Edit: looks like this was fixed already, so thank you

Edited by the author 2 years ago
New Jersey, USA

"Interesting idea, we'll give it some thought!"

Breh, now they'll be copying membership badges from twitch and youtube...

Edited by the author 2 years ago

Neat. Personally think this is a decent step for people complaining about ads. We all knew this was coming some day. Even though I feel this is a pretty hefty subscription fee for a site that just shows stats, the way this is implemented is decent.

  • Can there please be a way to return to previous formatting of runs on your profile?
  • Besides 'game ordering', it would be kinda nice to also be able to sort invididual runs within each game.
  • I understand why the custom name animations are subtle but right now, it's so subtle that if you didn't mention it, I probably didn't even realize it was a thing. Perhaps create a few more animations and have people choose which one they'd like or experiment with allowing mixing different color palettes for users.
  • I don't really understand why at least the person who boosts a game can't see which 3 active players just received these benefits. (At least, I wasn't able to find that all). That said, how is an 'active' player defined? How exactly does that work on communities that have perhaps 1 or 2 active players?
  • Kinda feel like the added second picture in your profile needs to be outright prevented entirely in the Moderator section on boards. With boards that have many mods, this is gonna lead to showing so many extra pictures and I can already see this becoming messy.
Edited by the author 2 years ago