Category suggestion
Can we add another 'true' solo category/rating for runs with no help from the AI teammates?
Edited by the author
You can play without AI by starting a "Friends Only" session and starting without anyone else joining
Edit: This worked for me once before, but now when I try it I still have AI teammates.
Edited by the author
YamaPJama and SkullBoyXV like this
You can bind the 'cover' command to the default command (usually z key as default), and press that at the start of the map. This will make the AI stay at the start of the map covering that area.
WazMan and LukeByGrace like this
New Leaderboard
Hey Everyone,
This leaderboard is now an archive of all the early access runs. We have a brand new leaderboard for the 1.0 release
Happy running!
Recent runs
Level: Neon Nightclub
Level: Neon Nightclub
Level: 4U Gas Station