9 years ago
Super moderatorZet
He/Him, They/Them
9 years ago

Hey everyone, while learning to speedrun LIMBO, I realized, there's much to learn about this game that has been discovered already but is only circulating word of mouth from runner to runner. While the French community of LIMBO is quite strong, it's not easy finding tutorials and strats in other languages, e.g. English.

So I wondered, if we maybe should set up a small speedrunning wiki for limbo where we explain certain strats, timesaves, moves and the few glitches plus maybe some individual setups explained in depth for newcomers. Of course there should be individual pages for the runners as well. ;)

Would anybody else be interested or does it seem more like a waste of time?

Île-de-France, France

I don't know, but I was wondering :

The french community has an active skype conf, why not make also an international conf ?


I'm not able to pull off every trick... (Which is why I would welcome a wiki) And I haven't played in a while... (I'll start again if I have time) ...but my Videos have a Gamepad Display which shows which buttons I press...

Skype? no... (That's more private for me) TS? Better ... but who pays?

Île-de-France, France

Haha yeah it's always the problem with ts ^^

Maybe the best way is just to do some english speaking videos about the main tricks, and link them in the Guides section of ?

Bretagne, France

Why not Zet :) Baruch's idea seems interesting but you just have to translate Celulith videos. Kappa XD

Anyway, whatever you do guys, let us know, I'm clearly ready to help.

Ontario, Canada

I'm down to help with tutorials if you want. I've been meaning to do a normal route tutorial anyways

Super moderatorZet
He/Him, They/Them
9 years ago

I looked into creating wikis, it doesn't seem to hard and wikia e.g. is very popular and apparently free. I have zero experience in it, though. Which pages would we actually need? One article should cover "basic strats", like optimized jumping and good usage of momentum, then another - or just a category with many articles - should go into specifics, explaining fast moves for certain scenes and maybe differentiate between save but slower and faster but riskier strats to have stuff for beginners and advanced runners. Then, of course, different routes/categories should have their own page; but since many scenes of the different categories overlap, they wouldn't need everything again; maybe articles for certain scenes can be labeled "used in category: (x) Normal Route (x) Hard Route ( ) 9 Eggs" in their upper right corner or something similar.

Other pages might include "bounty", where we seek consistent strats for certain parts (like the Colette skip or my accidental tree, two times :D ) or even unfound but suspected skips. This page is not important though.

Then, very important, is a page with a list of swag. This is absolutely essential.

Maybe a category for runners could be available, but I'm not sure if everybody would want that/every runner page would hold up to a certain standard. :D


Maybe let every skip have its own page? So we could go into detail, add pictures/clips and then have one page that goes over a whole route but refers to those skips with a link to the page.

Swag list needs to make it for sure. Also i'd love to have a place where we can put theories about the game's story, although i don't know if something like that belongs in a wiki :p

Super moderatorZet
He/Him, They/Them
9 years ago

Alright, I just decided to "screw that" and start it. Tell me your Wikia accounts, register, if you must, and I'll make you able to edit and create pages. We need help of all the people here.


I made an account (Xycon), i'll gladly help :p

Ontario, Canada

Hey, I made a few tutorials on my twitch today. I want them to be "passed" if you will before i submit and start doing the actual typing on how to do the skips. Let me know

Super moderatorZet
He/Him, They/Them
9 years ago

I think your tutorials are pretty good, raining! :) Nice with button inputs. You can add them to the pages if you want.

I try to bring some order to the articles. I made a routing for the hard route part (my way, includes counting the jumps). I think, general routings shouldn't go too much into detail (compare to the routings at, which are written very simple) and if a more complex skip is needed, that one should be mentioned in the routing and can be linked to its main article on the wiki, e.g. tire skip or bear trap skip, articles which already exist.

They can also link to sub categories, e.g. brain slugs should all be added into the brain slug article, if one has a special setup, the routing can link to the sub heading of that article. I really like how the wiki is currently growing and flourishing. :) I hope it will continue to until new runners can use it as a source of optimization!

Île-de-France, France

Don't forget to add the wiki and the tutorial videos in the Guides section of ! :D