is sub 1:50 good?
1 year ago

Depends on how many hours you've played, but if it's your pb then it's good for you. Everything is relative. Or at least that's the polite answer. Keep playing and you will get faster, sub 1:50 is still early in terms of your potential.

RaghavBabbar, Sowedu, and Davoroxi like this

the non polite answer is that sub 1:50 isn't good only sub 1 is good

Davoroxi and Valmerix like this
Czech Republic

yes it is

if you showed your run to anybody who played getting over it casually they would probably freak out

Davoroxi likes this

anyone would freak out if you showed them a 9 minute run doesn't make it good

Davoroxi likes this
California, USA

no its bad i see

Los Angeles, CA, USA

its bad

California, USA

and sub 1:30 too

Czech Republic


yes it is even a 9 minute run shows that you have skills that causal players don't have i don't see why that wouldn't be recognized as good

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