Small skip
4 years ago

Looking for more places to do this

Set up for this can be easy. Managed to do this while in race a few times. Funny enough i did this by accident the first time. Someone shot a rocket at me and bounced me perfectly over the wall. It was awesome

Edited by the author 4 years ago

Just found this skip as well. If you pay attention to my laps it will say (3/5). after ¡ bounce over the wall, the lap still says 3/5 and then turn to 4/5 without even crossing the actual finish line. Must be because of how their hidden checkmarkers work. ¡ only hit lap 4/5 after ¡ hit a item box.

Edited by the author 4 years ago

A guess i should have made it more clear that these aren’t all that useful. The first one can save a second or two but the second one can not save any time. I’m just showing you how the exploit really works. Me and my brother called it bomb hopping. Currently trying to find other tracks that could use this more effectively.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Buckinghamshire, England

Its a cool trick that you have discovered buddy. Im just trying to think of a way it could be useful as this game really has no useful glitches that are currently known. Going to have a play around with this and see what could be done with it.

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