FPS limit
8 years ago
Czech Republic

OK, after I streamed today, I noticed one thing I didn't notice before. High FPS (100+) screws up the respawns, which may result in two things:

  1. Monsters getting stuck - very annoying.
  2. If you watch my Kwongo IL run, you can notice there are no enemy spawns and I manage to finish him off without defending the catapults. This is due to high FPS. I just tested this with V-Sync on and it works correctly.

So I think we should all use 60fps limit. Hopefully it won't affect some of the shortcuts.

p3ngun likes this
Czech Republic

There's also another similar shortcut like this in Forsaken Compound (using tyre), but we can't use it, because you can't finish the level (the game doesn't softlock, you can still go back).

Actually, this game has several shortcuts that can't be used due to how the game works - every level is divided into several chapters and if you skip one of them, you usually can't progress further. I may do a video showing all of the unused shortcuts :)

Czech Republic

I almost forgot about the crate shortcut in Shield Generator. That can't be used either.

EDIT: The shortcut at the beginning of Road to Ursul doesn't work with 60fps either. You have to use a crate or barrel.

Czech Republic

Yeah, I guess that if you throw it against the rocks, you shouldn't loose any time at all.

Friesland, Netherlands

"For everyones information Command Centre jump with box doesn't work with 60fps as Ewil tested it in his stream "

Wasn't this done on the segmented? How are we supposed to do this then? What's the FPS required for this trick

Czech Republic

I guess the only way to do it is in IL runs. We didn't know back then this trick is FPS dependant. As for the FPS, I'm pretty sure it has be more than 100.

Normally, this wouldn't be a problem, but unfortunately if you have TOO high fps (not sure the exact number, but my estimate is more than 300), monster spawns starts to behave really weird and can even kill your run, so running this game without FPS limit is not acceptable.

There might be a solution to limit the game to just one cpu core as that seems to significantly cripple your max FPS while still maintaining decent framerate in Kukulele Prison (worst optimized level), but obviously this would have to be tested on several PCs.

Czech Republic

Wait, are you saying that we should turn off v-sync just for this shortcut during a live run?

There might be another solution if you have Nvidia card. There's a program called Nvidia Inspector, which can apparently limit your max fps. Maybe something similar exists for AMD cards.

Czech Republic

I'll test it tomorrow with nvidia inspector.

Btw, would you guys be interested in a discord channel?

Czech Republic

I have just tested steam version of SS2 and the spawn bug with high fps seems to be no longer present and as a bonus, the shortcut in CC works :)

So I'm removing the fps lock from rules.

Edited by the author 8 years ago
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