If you've finish all categorie, i can add new categorie if you want. Rules : -No fake categorie (level 10/20...) -add suggestion with arguments. ...
Moderators : This game is a game with a lot of run to verify. If you want to be mod say it here.
Rules for verify run : -Verify the run for no auto-clicker software (other incomming if you've got an idea !)
Bienvenue à toi dans le cercle fermé des modos !
I stop to add mod for the moment ! We're 3 and that good for this game, sorry for the other people !
If you have any question for the game this post it here !
Good luck, have fun with your run.
Can I help mod this as well? I won't remove any categories, but I will add relevant ones. My plan is to keep the 4 categories that are popular, but add the centurian bosses to the level leaderboard, and make that the default view. I've already done a run of Defeat Omeet https://splits.io/a61 I don't want this in "Map 100" because the game never mentions the word Map and I find it arbitrary to pick random numbers like 50 and 100. But since it's been raced, I won't rid the site of those. So yeah, it's about time this game had some real categories. TOTOzigemm and I will be trying to do runs of Lagomorph. It won't be easy, might take around a week and a bit, but we will try.
I've made my changes!
http://www.speedrun.com/ch/individual_levels http://www.speedrun.com/ch/full_game
Changed the rules to be more accurate, made Mouse Keys a variable, moved "Map 100" to Omeet in Fullgame and added the rest of the Centurian bosses. I also went through each run and checked to see if Mouse Keys were used for the run. Let me know what you think! Do you think you guys will give Omeet a try? I'd love to have competition. I'll do another run of it soon, when I get a day off of work.
I put full game LB on first for now because it' ugly with only one run and i don't understand what do you do on your run and where is the 18h of video ? x) Nice idea for the mouses keys :)
I will watch the next step because i don't know the High level on this game, and i want to see what is the high level on this game !
See you soon ! (sorry for my english it's the night and i want to go in my bed !)
Press Alt+Shift+LockNum on your keyboard, Then say yes, Then use the LockNum key to hear a High Pitched sound Finally the keys 5 on your numpad will click 1 time, and the + key on the numpad will do double click.
Hope you understand
Can you start an Omeet run from an Ascension or does it have to be a fresh file? Just wondering as I wanna do an Omeet run soon.
Hello, I want to suggest adding new categories. Here’s what the ones that crossed my mind after completing level 500 and realizing that up to 1000 the difference is only 3-3.5 hours: category: of level up all heroes (from achievements) 10000/25000/50000 times category: for 100 first souls for ascension (for this you will have to at least twice raise the world) category: essence is to make 10 transcend that open at the 300th level (this is much more difficult, because your souls are reset and the first 100 levels are difficult to give) you can add more categories for passing 1200/1400 - 2000 levels (again from the achievements)