where is 16 stars?
i was looking at my profile and i notice my second place run is "orphaned", i come here to check and 16 star is no longer a category, why? it was the most active category
Hey Lando_Blando! We decided that it was a category that was to easy to run and kinda not fitting the competitive feel for the game we are sorry about this but maybe you can run the other category's like 24, 36, or even 48 stars!
obviously it was too easy because well, its pocoyo racing, i dont think it makes a lot of sense to remove it
Forgot to say this earlier, but we talked in the Discord and we decided to bring it back.
DS new leaderboards!
a new has been made, please submit your runs there!, DS categories will stay for a bit
Recent runs
Level: Mirrored Coral Reef
Level: Mirrored Beach
Level: Mirrored Planetarium
Level: Mirrored Coral Reef