1M Settings - No. Towns and No. Industries
2 years ago
Utah, USA

Quick question about the "default settings" for the 1M pound run. Some of the record runs have different selections for the number of towns and number of industries from the world generation. (high/med/low/etc...) Is there a requirement or can you set it to anything you want?


I always have set mine to whatever it landed on after clicking on ''reset all values'' ie. I didn't change anything. I have no clue if it is an option or not

Edited by the author 2 years ago
flatearthmom likes this
Western Australia, Australia
She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
2 years ago

In settings in the top drop down list I select "Settings with a different value than default" and just clear everything out from there. I also show the screen in recordings because i change some non-essential settings, specifically "Right click to close windows" on and "Fast forward speed" to 100% in case of accidents. I screenshotted what appears to be the default "World generation" settings here: https://imgur.com/a/snx2l76 I did notice in your WR run the towns seemed big but RNG can be like that somtimes.

shaolinjcz likes this

I've seen pretty much every town size and distribution now, split - I've had cases where finding a town with over 700 population to ship goods was no doable

Default settings on my WR runs match screenshot as well so I would go in the same direction as meiqueen. I would then not move said settings (towns and etc)

Edited by the author 2 years ago
hyperfix8 likes this
Utah, USA

Sounds good. I'll keep to towns on "Normal" and Industry on "High" as the accepted default (even though I've seen at least one recorded run with the towns set to "High".