GTA III Timing method
10 years ago

I was thinking of making this for a long time i was just too lazy.... anyways i noticed that in vice city we start the timer when we gain control of the character but in gta III we start it as soon as we skip the first cutscene. This is weird because these 2 games are almost the same (they have an unskippable starting cutscene) but they still have different timing methods. As in most games that use RTA we start the timer when we gain control of the character, i would suggest doing that in GTA III aswell. Opinions?

Maryland, USA

Anyone can think it's a good idea, but I feel like there's really nobody who cares enough to change all the existing times to fit a new timing method. Basically, there's no point in changing, but if a change were to be made, then to keep it consistent with VC and SA then starting the timer when you gain control of Claude would make more sense than starting the timer when skipping the cutscenes at the start of VC and SA


but why did they start using this "start the timer as soon as you skip the cutscene" method back in 2011/2012 in the first place?

Maryland, USA

hell if I know, that's just the way it is

this is why VC timing method is bad

also we might find a way to skip the unskippable cutscene

Arturrr, S., and BangarangPls like this

I think Oasiz started using that timing method purely for convenience and so it stuck (correct me if I'm wrong).

Honestly though, I'm more interested in a "no-loading-time" timing method than anything, but like MH said, it would be a HUGE undertaking to re-time existing runs. I heard discussion about possibly making a program that detects when you're in a load state, but nothing has been worked on as far as I know.

Adam_ak and S. like this

Slightly off topic but something to put out there.

Technically, you have some control during the cutscene in 3 (At least after the fade). I look at it this way: In 3, after the fade, you are able to pause the game while in Vice City, you have no control at all until the cutscene ends.


well... yeah that's a good point guy.

Friesland, Netherlands

If anything, VC and SA timing should be changed to GTA3's.

Starting the timer on control gain is hugely impractical. For VC it somewhat works, but for SA you're starting the timer on a black frame. (Which black frame? the first one? Why not the one after? Why not the last one?). You're still preoccupied with pressing a split button though while what you should be doing is walking over to the faggio/bicycle.

The only reason you would start the timer on gain of control rather than skipping the intro cutscene or pressing new game is because either A) That's what people running that game have been doing in the past. B) You're an SDA nuthugger.

Technically, by skipping the first cutscene, you have already shown that you have control. In the end, it doesn't matter though until a glitch is found that lets us skip the unskippable intro cutscene. Right now however, the only thing it achieves is change some numbers on a meaningless time unit display. (People should really focus on getting a good run instead of some numbers. I've seen people who started crying on a timing change suggestion because it would turn their run from an x:xx:xx to an x:xx:yy. Shut up, your run is still the same; you still have Zth place on the leaderboards, you still died to that one boss fight and you still got that good RNG on that one level. Heck, I've even heard of people who wanted to change the timing method, solely for the reason that the times will be faster. Well guess what, the times won't be faster, just lower.)

So yeah, right now there is 0 reason to change anything. And if people really want the timing to be the same over all three games, then we change VC and SA to the way 3 does it, because at least that one makes sense.

Source: I am the idiot who decided it would be a good idea to start VC timing where it does. FailFish

BangarangPls and Coombs68 like this
Maryland, USA

yeah, better to leave it the way it is really


S: i agree with all you said. and i wouldn't even mind if sa and vc was changed to III's timing method. i was just wondering why aren't they using the same timing method. but yeah if somebody rly wants to change it, they will. i don't care about it that much.

Friesland, Netherlands

VC and SA simply didnt bother to look at the other GTA's at the time.

-Oasiz timed gta3 in the way that seemed most reasonable to him (or maybe he looked what K9 did or sth, although I'm guessing K9's timing is different because SDA) -I timed gtavc in the way that seemed most reasonable to me (actually I looked up how K9 timed it, and somehow decided that that way was the best) -Josh timed gtasa in the way that seemed most reasonable to him (or maybe he looked at what K9 did or sth)

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