11/7/2022 Leaderboard Patch Notes
2 years ago
Nebraska, USA

Hey all! It's been a bit. I think we all need a break after that competition. Apologies if it got away from us a little bit.

Some changes have been made to the page:

  • 100% and All Gems removed due to lack of runs. They will be added back as soon as anybody shows interest in running them. For reference:

100%: Collect all 300 gems and get all 33 gold medals in the time trials from a fresh save file. A run starts from the moment you select ‘Select File’ on an empty file slot on the file select screen, and ends when the “continue” button appears on the results screen at the end of the final level you played. (You must show the file select or world select screen after your run to confirm that you've earned 100%.)

All Gems: Collect all 300 gems in the game from a fresh save file. A run starts from the moment you select ‘Select File’ on an empty file slot on the file select screen, and ends when the “continue” button appears on the results screen at the end of 6-3.

  • Down-patching is now allowed in runs, but currently discouraged until proof that warp or glitch implementation is viable, due to crashes and bugs on older versions. No harm in letting our few active runners experiment if they wish without punishing them for it. Here's the excerpt:

"Runs can be done on any version of the game, but old versions are considered volatile, in addition to potential crashes, any extreme enough glitch may result in older versions being separated from newer ones on the leaderboards, so run on these versions at your own risk."

  • And lastly, All Main Stages has been changed to make it more interesting to run, and potentially watch. Any% is long, and not everybody wants to route gems, so this will go back it's intended purpose of being any% without the routing and cutscenes. (Sorry Gribbin, wanted to include those world 6 levels for you!).

Hopefully these changes will make this a more appealing category for beginners. (There were no previously submitted runs for this category) Post game stages are no longer part of the run, but boss islands ARE now a requirement.

SuperRareGames, scorchSR, and Stijn like this

Thanks as ever mate!

Stijn likes this
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Hey First of all I want thank dannyb and super rare for having faith in us. Stijn and I are now the new (super) mods for grapple dog, and we are going to change some rules on speedrun.com. Some changes have been made to the page:

-Individual Worlds from now on the IW will be done WITHOUT the bos

2 years ago
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