sub 1 thing
6 years ago

The segmented 1:08 could be updated, couldn't it? With the gold bucket that the wr person just got, snowman skip and some new little timesaves throughout the game

(feel free to roast me)

Galicia, Spain

Well the current CSR time is 1:03.9 so it's probably possible that it improves 4 seconds for the sub 1

hsblue likes this

1:03? o.o can you send me the link

also i was looking for that 1 03 and found this strange video

She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago

49 sec tas:

MaximalMegaminx, Z3NOBIYL and 4 others like this

HOLY SHIT that was so fucking cool

Queensland, Australia

looks tricky though. you'd need a very high sensitivity mouse and a keen eye. it'll be a while before this is possible

She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago

I think what we could take from this TAS is three things:

  1. Constant use of pull pogos. It allows us to quickly and efficiently move.
  2. Quick getting over of or complete ignorance of obstacles, such as the rock after the church.
  3. Overall, we should maintain momentum throughout the run.
hsblue likes this

is that ice mountain thing rta?

She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago

probably not for a while xD

Texas, USA

I'm not good enough to even try but has anyone tried the tas route rta? Especially the top level runners.

EdenH2568 likes this
Colorado, USA

Ccfst did TAS strats Kappa

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Sowedu, Sen, and Valmerix like this

Yeah, he was good at it, sadly he quit Kappa

Sen and Derpidude like this
New Jersey, USA
He/Him, They/Them
5 years ago

I wonder why he quit Kappa

hsblue likes this

yo bat. i didnt know you were into goi


A real Bat over here, not some fake fish version

Anaheim, CA, USA

batfish DansGame

bat PogU

what happened to the other thread where we were talking about fixing the boards?

Los Angeles, CA, USA

the fact that were close to sub 1 humanly now....

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