Can I change the music?
1 year ago
Czech Republic

Would it be allowed to change the music in the game files, so that I don't have to listen to the original soundtrack?

Czech Republic

Or even better, delete the music entirely if possible, but I'm assuming that wouldn't be allowed to prevent splicing


I don't see why not, and tell me how since that would make me want to run the game more as well as I got fed up with the OST. Removing it completely should also be okay in my opinion, but my standards are more lenient due to coming from the Half-Life community where modifications have been allowed for years and years.

United States
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

just be careful because if you remove voicelines your run will be faster rta (with load times being removed it doesnt matter a whole lot but its why Spigg's run is faster than mine rta but slower ltr)

Lyren likes this

Oh, if that's the case, it might be better off leaving any voicelines and music as is, since Spiff's run is the whole reason why we remove 5 different cutscenes' from the final IGT to match the time so it's fair play. Having to re-time everything again due to more skipped cutscenes would be a nightmare.

I will add in rules that changing them is not allowed.

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