How do you request a new category
2 years ago
United Kingdom

how do I request a new category if that’s even possible?

100% category

All puzzles done. All objects used. (Apart from magnet) All eggs collected. All apples, rain, spiders, bats, falling rocks, birds, Zack’s fire balls, all destroyed. (If they can be)

Forgive me if that’s not possible.

United Kingdom

Requesting a new category is done just as you've done here - making a forum post about it. You can always join the Specrunning Discord at to discuss things further as well.

As far as a 100% category, the issue I have with it is that it's quite arbitrary and leads to lots of ifs and buts. For example, does dropping an item on the skeleton under the bridge count as an item use? The game seems to think it does. If yes, should it be required to do that for the magnet, helmet, insecticide, garlic, bird seed, and amulet?

What about visiting rooms? Should they be included in 100%? (I'm mainly thinking about the room underneath the magnet, which never needs to be visited, but there are also out-of-bounds rooms which may or may not count.)

And when all of these are done, how does this differ from a score attack run? We keep high score leaderboards separately as SRC doesn't support them.

United Kingdom

I don’t think it needs to be that complicated All puzzles done All eggs collected All “enemies” destroyed

To complete those three tasks all needed items will have been used and all tasks completed.

To get rid of zacks fire balls, you need the amulet, to get the amulet you need the diamond and so on.

The only four things I can think of that would be excluded would be the magnet, the extra life in the mine, the spiders you can’t get to in the castle and the rain drop above the grave yard door.


Hi great to see you have an interest in this game!

I think the easiest definition for a category like this is something like Destroy All Objects. Which would be easily defined as removing all possible things from the game.

So collect all eggs, use up every item (including the magnet), destroy the bridge to the forest, destroy the entrance to the caves with the Diamond, destroy the rocks with the pick axe etc.

Destroying the bridge and magnet is pretty simple.

And you don't even need to get the jump, as long as you enter from the right you will respawn on the correct side to finish the game. Obviously this would need to be planned for the end of the routing.

And as for destroying objects. IMO either you have to dump them like the magnet or have them destoryed by on the final use by leaving them free standing to interact with an 'enemy'. This shouldn't be too difficult imo.

As for things that are excluded because they cannot be reached. I have the list as

  1. The egg and bat in the secret cave (this egg is obviously already skipped in the All Eggs category)
  2. The spider under the steps on the way to Zaks
  3. The spiders in the room below the magnet

The rain drop above the graveyard door can be easily reached.

United Kingdom

Wow, I really didn’t know about the rain drop, I’ll have to try that one.

The main reason for bringing up the new category is to mainly to show how good the game really is, I started playing dizzy the other day for the first time in at least 30 years, completed it after a couple of days I got more enjoyment out of it than halo infinite which took 9 and a half hours.

It took me back to when I was little sitting in front of my desk with no room, on it due to the tv, 10” black and white, tape deck and my little rubber keyed 48k.

I enjoyed playing it completed everything in the game(what I thought was everything) and wondered how long it took other people. But I found there was no leader board for “everything”.

What I believe is 100% Complete run through took me 1 hour 40 minutes but I think at least 30 - 40 minutes could be chopped off that time easily.

I don’t envy the moderators job going through hour videos making sure all falling rocks are delt with etc.

Just out of interest I had two copies of dizzy on tape, a bought one and then 6 or 8 months later it came free on a maginzine can anyone remember what the magazine was called? I can remember the tape being black with a plane blue label.


There is a demo edition that came with Crash Magazine. You might be thinking of that

You didn't actually say which version you were going to play on. I assumed you are talking about the Spectrum version :) Aside from colours and the screen border I think the Spectrum and Amstrad/CPC versions are identical. The version for Commodore 64 may be slightly different (and generally viewed to be worse)

I have a couple of tricks for the helmet that may or may not be necessary. First you can get the helmet without the bug spray. Just walk forward as you enter the room and as long as the spider moves smoothly you can jump over it to reach the helmet

You can also move the hat across the water by doing a couple of death jumps. The position is precise but it could be worth it to not have to carry the helmet down into the cave. Pair it up with collecting the Leprechaun wig for example

In that video i use a cheat code. press P to pause the game then type - nootrac4571 and that puts dizzy in exploration mode and you can use Z and X to move left and right and K and M to move up and down. Obviously not for use in a speedrun! but useful for practising and routing.

Don't be afraid of using your lives to save time, you should have plenty!

United Kingdom

Spectrum, I’ve got about 7 spectrums all stored away 2 x 48 k rubber key (one I’ve had since I was 5) 1 x 48 k plastic keyed 1 x 128 k toast rack 1 x 128 k + 1 x James Bond edition + 2

1 x 128 k + 2 (non working)

I can remember picked a couple of them up at car boot sales for £1.

I might upload try and complete the game again tomorrow and see if I can improve my 1hr 40time.

The thing that’s amazed me the most is how the guys in the %any leader board hey the silver lining, I didn’t know it was possible to do that death double jump thing.

United Kingdom

Destroy/Remove All Objects works as a category, much simpler and less arbitrary definition. If you upload a run I'll add a category for it.

United Kingdom

Lol I best get a run done first.

United Kingdom

I think a modification of your original specification is best, but it can be shortened to 2 items.


  1. All eggs collected.
  2. All apples, rain, spiders, bats, falling rocks, birds, Zack’s fire balls, all destroyed. (If they can be)

(1) ensures you complete the whole game and use every useful object without forcing you to "destroy" stuff.

(2) forces you to destroy most things without forcing you to collect and use objects unnecessarily.

I think that spec is unambiguous. As Faddy says there are some items in (2) which can't be destroyed.

United Kingdom

(1) doesn't ensure you use every useful object at all. Even in my All Eggs route I'm not using the mushroom trowel, the garlic, the hard hat, or the magnet; and the amulet skip can also be done in All Eggs which skips a bunch more items.

"Remove All Objects" works as it includes: a. collecting all eggs in order to remove them b. using items like the bird seed to remove birds etc. c. using every item in at least some capacity to remove them (for things like the bird seed this will require either leaving it in the path of the last bird or dropping it on the skeleton)

The only potential ambiguity is whether the bridge or the plank that breaks count as objects... but given you need to get rid of both in order to remove other objects it doesn't matter either way.

I'm definitely against "100%" as a name, as the game doesn't have any counters to tell you your progression. The closest thing is the score and if we use that then we circle back to the issue of either "why doesn't visiting rooms count as progression when the game gives you points for it?" or "how is this different from a score attack run?"

"Remove All Objects" seems to be the best option to me as it fully and unambiguously describes the rules in those three words with minimum need for arbitrary distinctions.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
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United Kingdom

OK but I think perhaps we shouldn't force the player to destroy the raindrop above the graveyard door? That can be done but only by taking a compulsory death. I think "Remove All Objects" should be possible without dying (so you can complete the game with 13 lives). So then the run is similar to Max Lives.

United Kingdom

right completed the "Remove All Objects" run and its uploading to youtube now. i'll submit it under the all eggs category so a new one can be created.

only just completed it, messed the bridge up getting rid of the magnet thank full i respawned on the right side.

United Kingdom

Sorry to ask this duck I’m not sure how to msg yet.

Forgive me for asking but just so I know for future reference

When you say the video jumps about to much

Is it a YouTube thing where the video is glitching. Something wrong with my capture. My game play style.

I’m gonna have to work in what ever the issue is, that’s all.

United Kingdom

I've taken a second look at the video and it's fine, I think YouTube was just glitching out (possibly still processing?) so I've approved it. Sorry for rejecting it the first time - it looked as though it was a bad video but it wasn't.

I've also added "Remove All Objects" as a category (you'll have to resubmit your run to that too). Note that you didn't need to submit your previous run as a leaderboard submission, you could just post it here (or even just upload it as I subscribed to your YouTube), I'd just like to know that people are attempting it before adding it as a category because it's a long and difficult task.

It looks to be a valid Remove All Objects run too, I didn't see anything missed.

United Kingdom

There submitted again.

Thank you.

You have to air on the side of caution. Lol I don’t want to end up on karl jobst lol.

Thank you for taking the time to look through it.

United Kingdom

You don't need to worry about anything like that, a rejected run isn't an accusation of cheating of any kind, it's just "this doesn't meet the verification standards".

United Kingdom

In the Rules for Remove All Objects, you should mention the falling stalactites.

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