Fastest time possible
3 years ago

What is the theoretical time on this game?


the community sum of best for any% is currently 1:10:53.45 so that would be the current theoretical fastest time a human could achieve

Ringo6575 likes this

The tas is a 107, but it incorporates lots of tas only strats, but technically, someone could get a time faster than a 1:10:53, but it’s unlikely that someone would even get a 110, it is likely that 111 will be the last minute barrier ever unless some new strats are discovered, which honestly wouldn’t be insanely crazy, but crazy enough that it’s not likely tho

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Wookis and Ringo6575 like this
United States

(1/4) This question is more complicated than most people who ask it actually realize. I'm going to take this opportunity to write out information about this, so people with the same question in the future can reference it. There are a few types of "theoretical fastest times." I'll go over three of them for the Any% category, since this is the category with the most documentation and effort put into it. The first theoretical time would be: "what is the fastest time this game can physically be completed, if you could control exactly what inputs go into it down to the millisecond?" This is explored using TAS input: slowing the game down using an emulator and refining the inputs, then playing it back at full speed. The current TAS record is 1:07:52, and you can watch it here.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
claire_kouassi, RSW and 2 others like this
United States

(2/4)The next one is what @Silver mentioned. The community sum of best is a compilation of best individual-shine times by top-level runners of the game. This time is currently 1:10:53, and its improvement is tracked using a spreadsheet, which you can find here. An edited video with a similar goal that gets a time of 1:11:17 is here (Not every segment time is available on video). While this run is technically more feasible than the TAS run, since all the inputs are being performed in real time, it still is completely unrealistic for a human to achieve. This is because the longer a run is, the more difficult it is to play consistently enough to match your best segment of all time for each shine. RNG adds even more variance, and as a result, top-level runners can only expect to play around 2 minutes slower than their sum of best.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
claire_kouassi, RSW and 2 others like this
United States

(3/4) The last type of theoretical time would be "what time is realistic for someone to achieve in the near future?" This is impossible to quantify with a number, so this is where speculation comes in. Every runner and viewer of the game may have their own opinion, but only the runners with extensive experience playing Any% at a top level have the best idea of what is possible for them. These speculation times will always be changing over time, as the feasibility and consistency of strats changes, and as different runners with different mindsets go for the world record. Currently, most people see a low 1:13 as inevitable, and a high 1:12 as a stretch goal, with @Guy2308 being the main contender. All of these times are subject to change, as the game evolves. However, the feasibility of each type of time stays the same, meaning TAS will be computer-level precise, community SOB will be technically possible but far out of reach, and the realistic time will be tough but in reach.

Wookis, claire_kouassi and 6 others like this
United States

(4/4) Thanks for reading. I hope this was informative and worth linking in future to newcomers with this question. :)

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Dalton, claire_kouassi and 5 others like this

Yeah, I hope I didn’t come off as trying to say 111 is feasible bc rn, it just isn’t, but getting closer to it is 100% possible(as in getting a 112) guy’s newest PB could’ve at least low 113’d, but he lost some time in I think pinna

Edited by the author 3 years ago

As in I think like 30 seconds


Some unfortunate update, guys every run I submitted on Mario Sunshine even if I'm slower than the threshold time get rejected. I have seen the moderator note and read it and maybe I went WAY too fast on my time during my 96 Shines run but I think I was typing too fast. Time I should've gotten on 96 Shines was 9h 21m 45s. Oh and btw, it feels too long to be on the screens for these types of runs. :/


@1UpsForLife, why did you reject my run and all of my associated runs on Super Mario Sunshine for no reason?! Oh and btw, nice job on your 1h 18m 50s run on Any%.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
United States

Our full mod team discussed your submissions and decided that it was likely you were making up times and submitting to all the categories at once, without actually doing the runs. Many people have done this before, and our policy is to require you to prove that you're doing the runs by providing a LiveSplit file with splits for each shine that you used to time your run. If you do this, your runs will be more likely to be accepted.


@1UpsForLife, thank you for replying to this thread. After further investigation, the only way I can export my splits to is LiveSplit One only. Due to video time restrictions on how long I record, I cannot use video evidence for runs slower than 2 hours. :( Oh and SM3D All Stars has a separate leaderboard.

Edited by the author 3 years ago

I submitted my 20 Shines run, 4 days have passed and it is not verified yet. I timed it on LiveSplit One and uploaded my splits to

Ohio, USA

we've been over this several times. it takes a while for runs to be verified, be patient please.

Wookis, BlazeRol and 2 others like this
Illinois, USA
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

Yet again runs could take up to 3 weeks, that's when contact with mods is necessary, not 4 days. We should not have to go through this daily.

doakey likes this

My 20 Shines run in 58:10 is left untouched, even if I time it on RTA.