not touching the axe?
4 years ago

Will it save time if in warpless runs you would be able to skip over the axe? I managed to do it on emulator when bouser is dead so i dont know if it will collapse the bridge but it did work and the axe stayed there

KilleDragon likes this

If you don't touch the axe the level won't end and you can't progress, but it is definitely possible to get on the other side of the axe, the screen just won't scroll. P.S. It may have just been a typo, but it's bowser, not bouser.

Yoyofruits and KilleDragon like this
New Brunswick, Canada

i dont really understand what you mean

KilleDragon likes this

The bridge never collapse when bowser is dead. Touching the right side of the axe makes the game lag so it doesn't save time.

KilleDragon likes this

Yeah, I meant the screen never scrolls over to where toad is, although @WolfAttack had a better explanation

KilleDragon likes this

The screen scrolled at the moment i got to the other side of the axe like i touched to axe and i think that it can speed up warpless runs because theoretically there is no need to kill bowser and that will save up time although make the run more rng dependent

Edited by the author 4 years ago
KilleDragon likes this

I don't understand. When Bowser is alive, the bridge always collapses. How did you manage to make the bridge not collapse while Bowser's still alive? I tried what you said and it doesn't work. The bridge collapses and the game lag a bit

KilleDragon likes this

It might have been your emulator/ROM, maybe try to get another one. I'm not gonna post a link here, because it's forbidden, but try to find a different one.

KilleDragon likes this
Flevoland, Netherlands

it doesnt matter. it only loses a couple frames but in most cases it doesnt lose a framerule. Just try to not do it. it doesnt help you

Edited by the author 4 years ago
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