Livesplit stops early for MGS 3
7 months ago
United States

I'm new to speedrunning. I used the Livesplitter on Very Easy Difficulty for the PC version of MGS 3 HD edition. It worked fine. I then tried on Normal Difficulty. But it keeps stopping right before The Boss fight. What could it be?

Edit. When Livesplit stops (before The Boss fight) that time is shown as the Credits Time. I tried another run and this time it stopped in the middle of the mission with Eva, before The Boss fight (as opposed to the end of that mission).

Edited by the author 7 months ago

You already made a thread for this in the correct place and someone tried to help you:

Completely ignoring the person who tried to help you and then reposting the thread in the wrong place 3 weeks later is an odd choice.

Edited by the author 7 months ago
2003041 likes this
United States

If this is the wrong topic for this forum section, then the moderators can close the thread and I apologize. However, the issue arises during streaming and I do see several threads--9 or 10 on the first page of this forum section alone--asking about Livesplit. Some of those threads are titled "Livesplit issues," "Livesplit problems," and "Livesplit One Question." If you are going to reply with a snarky comment, then at least apply basic reading comprehension skills to recognize that two things that sound very similar can, in fact, be different. The issue I had 3 weeks ago was resolved, and was not completely ignored and you have no reason to think it was completely ignored unless you think that I am some dedicated and unique spammer who waits 3 weeks before each spam post.


you have no reason to think it was completely ignored

Well, you didn't reply to the other thread, and then suddenly you're asking a very similar question in an entirely different place. My bad on it not being the exact same issue, but also if you had been successfully helped, I would've assumed any follow-up questions would've also been posted there. Doesn't seem like a crazy assumption. Don't take it personally, you'd be surprised how often people do that, although usually they wait 3 minutes instead of 3 weeks.

Anyway, yes, people do ask LiveSplit questions here, but this sounds like an issue with the MGS3 autosplitter specifically, so you need to ask people that would know about the MGS3 autosplitter specifically. Game specific questions should always be asked in the forum for the specific game, not because it's not allowed here or whatever, but just because it's unlikely that anyone familiar with a particular game will see a thread here. The vast majority of users do not regularly check this forum

Edited by the author 7 months ago
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